Bambu extension board Printer back up and running since yesterday, currently printing second plate of housing parts. Take glass plate off Use it to trace a hole in a wooden table Buy a Got my board, printed all the cases, and plugged it all in. Here is my code:-It is pasted and replaced in bambulab in the final g code section-I really see changing the bed as an overdue solution so as not to have to intervene. ¶ Bambu Lab 扩展板3mf切片模型文件. IMG_20230615_153305 3000×3000 435 KB. Control additional lighting. MakerSpace. 3V STEMMA-QT/Qwiic I2C connector. 2 Likes. Heliscone June 25, 2023, 4:45am 10. Might be exactly what you are looking for. I submitted a Bambu Extension Board. Bambu Lab 扩展板下载链接. Thanks Take glass plate off Use it to trace a hole in a wooden table Buy a PEI plate Turn your Bambu upside down Project to automatically remove parts from build plate. McGyver June 13, 2023, 9:14am 29. I submitted a ticket, but we’ll see if Bambu helps given this was a free item Because there is no interface to allow testing by just directly sending G code to the printer, I was putting code for the extension board in machine start, as the example show. gmiles119 The extension board is a development board designed to add advanced and customized functions for Bambu Lab. Might be exactly what you are looking for Bambu Extension Board. Installation Learn more about the replacement of the Extruder Interface Board for P1 Series on Bambu Lab Wiki. Ciprian June 13, 2023, 4:03pm 33. LagoaLabs October 20, 2023, 12:19pm 5. Right, but someone wanted to make their own 3rd party device to connect to the bambu bus, or do things with this device that would be cumbersome if controlling ¶ Extension Board G-Code Reference ¶ Parameter save (S = 0) ¶ Command format M1004 S0 P[ppp] If the user does not save DIY configuration, the default will be restored after restarting. 1 Like. kaixoinaki August 31, 2024, 5:07pm 103. But i’m sure , as i’m a beginner, that i’m setting things not correctly. The 4 AMS The extension board is a development board designed to add advanced and customized functions for Bambu Lab. join the 3Dque discord and see if you can join their Bambu beta. I saw the NEMA 8, but have no idea what works. OK, back to waiting then. Hi Dill, that would be great and very helpful. This is even with the extension board unplugged. When I use the cable splitter, my AMS flashes red on all 4 ports and isn’t recognized by the printer. That is called our P1P Extension Board. Installation Learn more about the replacement of the Extruder Interface Board V9 for X1 Series on Bambu Lab Wiki. There are motion links set up but I’m not sure if you can adjust them in the browser? Mainly, I wanted to optimize for usable leadscrew travel, to minimize unsweepable space on the build plate. So I guess I can still test it, but I can’t have my AMS going simultaneously. I think I got a bad cable splitter . Below you can see a few examples of adding functions, which can serve as a reference for other models. Are you still accepting testers at this time? Josh H. Got my board, printed all the cases, and plugged it all in. Hey Ciprian, I had received the acceptance email for the extension board but it went to my junk folder so I missed the deadline. The It's the Expansion Board that Bambu Labs currently have in Beta test, I was lucky enough to receive one / get into the beta group Allows you to customize a lot about the machine, extra fans if you need, better lighting, RGB lighting, better What can the extension board do? Our engineers designed some basic functions that is easy to get started. Well, actually 4 options: you go old school. The wiki specifies certain bits of G-code to control this extra stuff connected to the extension board. Wiki page about the board: Right now I cut a hole for cabling in the X1C-air-filter panel, but I like what I saw in the Bambulab discord about making a wirelessly powered bentobox Interesting idea. Remove the splitter and back to normal. Swizerlan Some functions controlled by controls on the extension board. show post in topic. first led are conected and working now i have to drill some holes in the frame for wiring and check how i add gcode commands to control the leds during prints. ¶ 使用手册. Bambu Lab扩展板使用方法及示例. Do you remember back around the launch of the P1P there were images showing a weird control board external from the printer? Guess what. Bambu Lab扩展板 G-Code 使用 Bambu Extension Board. The buzzer was on at the time I canceled and it just stayed on. 0 ports, a 10/100Mbps Ethernet port, four special GPIO expansion connectors, and one 3. It is primarily compatible with the P1P series and all product updates and iterations prioritize compatibility with the P1P series. Control additional fan Bambu Extension Board. Our Engineers have given more options for users to create and design their own The X1Plus Expansion Board connects to a Bambu Lab X1’s control board and tucks behind the touchscreen in an unobtrusive 3D-printed enclosure. P1P 简介. How are you all going to mount it on the printer? I think I will mount it on the side panel i made, with some small spacers to keep the rear of the extension board clear. If the model completely releases Bambu Filament and Accesories. This thread mainly focused on automate the clearance of the bed, but that’s only half the puzzle, as one needs to que the files as well somehow. Hoping to add some RGB leds to it first comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Checked all the connections 100x and everything is plugged in correctly. I am excited. 1 Like Hey P1P Owners. Sirskitzo April 5, 2024, 2:14pm 61. Bambu Lab扩展板安装方法和接口详细描述. ¶ 简介. Question Did anyone created any mod with the extension board, did it went sideways, will it be continued? Generally what mod would you like to do if you would have an extension board? I would add a stepper motor which would rise my lid when I print with PLA. So, either way Bambu Extension Board. I submitted a ticket, but we’ll see if Bambu helps given this was a free item Bambu Extension Board. In der Box - MC-Board*1 Kompatibilität X1-Serie Exklusiv Produktspezifikationen Materialien Metall, Bambu Extension Board. Online June 7, 2023, 5:19pm 3. Thanks. Installation Erfahren Sie mehr über den Austausch des MC Board für die X1-Serie im Bambu Lab Wiki. Hi altogether, happy to support with beta testing the board. Introduction to P1P; Introduction to X1/X1C; Introduction to Bambu Does HIPS successfully support ABS and PETG (using X1C)? Cool Projects for Extension Board? Whats the Update? Is this ever coming? What should happen when a print The wiki specifies certain bits of G-code to control this extra stuff connected to the extension board. c’est la vie I suppose. NVNDO May 8, 2024, 9:36am 74. When i watch This is the unofficial subreddit for all things concerning the International Baccalaureate, an academic credential accorded to secondary students from around the world after two vigorous years of study, culminating in challenging exams. Hi guys and girls, what happened to you all after the call? Im super interested in this project - and would love to connect with you as well! I’ll most Bambu Filament and Accesories. Click to find the best Results for bambu extension board Models for your 3D Printer. goodlab June 11, 2023, 12:06pm 26. It could be used to control additional stepper motors and servos for auto bed switching mods. julie777 June 8, 2023, 6:10pm 14. Johan_2be3dprinted June 15, 2023, 1:36pm 34. Bambu Filament and Accesories. Tbenker December 7, 2024, 1:28pm 1. You are not under the Beta testing category Try here: https://forum Or maybe the Bambu XL, but no one can due dily that option until it at least gets announced. PXL_20230609_021316200 1920×1446 180 KB. It's also connected to the main TH board V9 and it's only compatible with V9 version of the TH board. Es ist das Steuerzentrum für die XYZ-Achsenmotoren, die Kühlventilatoren, das Heizbett und das AMS. Basic Functions. [Let me know if you think of a better way to do this, by the Bambu Extension Board. Please avoid opening customer support tickets about the board as the product is not launched. NeverDie May 8, 2024, 1:12pm 81. The Bambu Extension Board. I also like to be inspired by your works. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. Just did another test and the board works when plugged directly into the printer. Here’s a link. Currently saved parameters include. The board allows the users to plug in color LED strips and control their color based on the state of the print. Project to automatically remove parts from build plate Bambu Extension Board. I I’ve bought my first ELEGOO RAPID PETG product and have a BAMBU LAB P1S printer. Biocraftlab June 30, 2023, 3:35pm 22. Inky May 10, 2024, 5:07am 84. For me this works and I see all the serial ¶ Extension Board G-Code Reference ¶ Parameter save (S = 0) ¶ Command format M1004 S0 P[ppp] If the user does not save DIY configuration, the default will be restored after restarting. julie777 June 17, 2023, 3:15am 1. chibijosh13 July 13, 2023, 8:15pm 44. Sorry about that, here’s another poll except for Saturday July 8th. While testing the buzzer I canceled the print, not wanting to print anything. Here is the board plugged into the printer with the splitter (no AMS). I been thinking about using the AP board LED connection to control a relay to switch dc power with more Current (2. Heliscone July 5, 2023, 4:17pm 32. So my board will be installed tomorrow at latest. 6a seems like a good Bambu Extension Board. TomB June 30, 2023, 6:51pm 23. Home I received my board yesterday. I tried manual pumps, and usb charged one (the one in the pic), my kitchen type vacuum machine with its attachment and even with vacuum cleaner. This is how the G code for X Y and Z work. Ramathorn15 June 8, 2023, 3:09pm 13. Has anyone worked with stepper or servo motor controls yet? I think I am missing something in the G code documentation. Mine is installed, and it works and is recognized in every configuration, ie When I use the cable splitter, my AMS flashes red on all 4 ports and isn’t recognized by the printer. It provides USB-A 2. Leading-Zone8980 Wanted To Organize All My Bambu Accessories So I Made A Toolbox For Them! Welcome to Bambu Lab! Here we discuss everything related to Bambu Lab 3D printers. ¶ Introduction. Nice! I’ve got some ideas and have been lurking in the thread haha. Hey girls and guys, I did some testing and modifications with the files from @Heliscone. Bambu Lab Community Forum Compatibility with Bambu P1S. I have an aduino kit with a tiny stepper that I am doing to experiment with. 1688138884642 1560×2080 170 KB. 5280 February 12, 2024, 2:16pm 1. We are recruiting technically What can the extension board do? Our engineers designed some basic functions that is easy to get started. Good to know. Just finished up printing the case, time to start testing this thing out. Hi, really cool what you guys are experimenting with here! I’m not familiar enough with the components and code at this point to be of any help, but I had an idea that I don’t think has been mentioned so far (sorry if I missed it!) First I thought it would Bambu Filament and Accesories. I submitted a ticket, but we’ll see if Bambu helps given this was a free item The X1Plus Expansion Board connects to a Bambu Lab X1’s control board and tucks behind the touchscreen in an unobtrusive 3D-printed enclosure. Bambu Extension Board. 10000+ "bambu extension board" printable 3D Models. The extension board is a development board designed to add advanced and customized functions for Bambu Lab. Besides that, we will also produce an add-on extension board that can be connected to our Bambu Bus and controlled via G-code. 1688138884668 1560×2080 193 KB. When highlighting both i get Hi Ramathorn15, Could you please test the following connection ways to see if it works: Connect only the board to the printer via the splitter (AMS unplugged) Connect only the AMS to the printer via the splitter (board unplugged) Please also take photos of each connection way (including the way you plug in those cables) so that we can check out the problems. In the Box - Extruder Interface Board V9*1 - I have the cable from the printer to the printer port on the splitter. Home ; Categories ; It's the Expansion Board that Bambu Labs currently have in Beta test, I was lucky enough to receive one / get into the beta group Allows you to customize a lot about the machine, extra fans if you need, better lighting, RGB lighting, better cameras etc Overview Extruder Interface Board V9 is the part of the tool head board where the print head wires are connected. In the Box - Extruder Interface Board*1 Compatibility P1 Series Exclusive Product Bambu Extension Board. Ramathorn15 June 8, 2023, 2:57pm 12. Before installing the extension board, please make sure that you have read the specifications and This page contains the user manual and table of contents index for the Bambu Lab Extension Board. 0 My P1S came with the camera and light so the AP board LED connection is in use. Peter_Berlin August 5, 2023, 5:51am 41. 1 Like The YXPOLYER support material specifically says not to use it to replace Bambu Support G on the “high speed model Bambu Filament and Accesories. Onboard regulators take the 24V from the printer and drop it When I use the cable splitter, my AMS flashes red on all 4 ports and isn’t recognized by the printer. Please note that all the support for the Extension Board will be provided on the forum. It still says I don’t have permission. Our Engineers have given more options for users to create and design their own functions with controls for servos and stepper motors and extended I/O. X1/X1C 简介. show post in topic When I use the cable splitter, my AMS flashes red on all 4 ports and isn’t recognized by the printer. I will probably install a new LED strip to test it. Bambu Studio 简介. It is primarily compatible with the P1P series and all product updates and Bambu Lab Extension Board is a development board designed to add advanced and customized functionalities to Bambu Lab. I got my extention board in the mail yesterday, will start printing the casing today I do not have an AMS so will have to print the casing in a single color. Normally a stepper is used to move by steps to cause a linear component to move some distance. TomB June 13, 2023, 3:07pm 32. Ethernet will be the big feature for a lot of people who have issues with poor wifi, do not want to use wifi, or simply want a faster and more reliable wired connection, or cannot use wifi due to corporate security policies. If you have issues with the board, please create a new thread about it and share information about the problem. Overview The Extruder Interface Board is an auxiliary board of the TH board, and it is used to expand the interface of functional components, such as the hotend and extruder unit. gmiles119 June 12, 2023, 12:11am 27. First Received my extension board earlier. I try to store my filaments in zipped locked vacuum bags. Hi folks, as announced here is the GitHub for the GCODE-Mixer app. If you had Jobox working on the A1/A1-Mini, I could just sell my Prusa MK3, buy an A1 with AMS, and then get the same end-result that way. Maybe we can set up a call to exchange? Let me know if you want to 本页面包含Bambu Lab 扩展板的用户手册和目录索引. Ramathorn15 June 9, 2023, 2:17am 16. All kinds of contraptions and mechanisms would be possible with this board. Here’s the AMS plugged into the printer with the splitter (no board). With the word printer facing up on the splitter and the 3 ports to the right, I plugged the bottom cable (out 1) into the bottom of the filament buffer, the AMS is still plugged into the filament buffer. Übersicht MC-Board ist die Abkürzung für Machine Controller Board. Ah darn, it’s looking like I sent the poll too late, we didn’t get that many responses and I would not feel comfortable scheduling a meeting the day-of. Wiki page about the board: That's ultimately why I got a @Extension_Board_Beta. Alrighty, I just threw it together again in a new project folder. julie777 June 25, 2023, 11:39pm 21. If you do not When I use the cable splitter, my AMS flashes red on all 4 ports and isn’t recognized by the printer. Definitely down to join a call an evening next week if that works for you all? What time zone are people on? I’m EST. Prior to finding this thread I thought about using 3DQue, but A1M and A1 automation is still in Bambu Filament and Accesories. LED strip configuration; Fan switch or speed setting; Sliding varistor, reserved AD interface function configuration Also, if Bambu monitors these boards, it would be great are the holiday festivities are over if there was an update of an approximately availability timeline. Jerry3D June 28, 2024, 10:51pm 1. . Hey there @mchotdog. Received the parts, but had a head crash and needed to wait for spare parts first. Extension board dissapointment. Got mine, printed a case and I think about what to do first. 6mm nozzle so i probably will reprint it soon. I think I got a bad cable splitter ☹ When I use the cable splitter, my AMS flashes red on all 4 ports and isn’t recognized by the printer. 1000005896 1440×2610 294 KB. I’m about to order some HIPS for ABS support, and wondering if it’s ok for PETG as well. The second cable (out 2) plugs into the expansion board. In the bambulab studio, i cannot find a RAPID PETG ELEGOO setting profile. Powers on fine. For now I just printed the enclosure in one color (greentec pro carbon), the text is somewhat troublesome with a 0. But vacuuming them is really hard. LED strip configuration; Fan switch or speed setting; Sliding varistor, reserved AD interface function configuration Bambu Extension Board. In Bambulab studio i find PETG , PETG-CG. I can’t get a smooth print surface, no matter what i try. During normal printing, when I cancel a print the printer The board provides Ethernet, two USB ports, 32 GPIO pins, and a stemma/qwiic connector. ihnjff kchnuoe gptxk vbiko hmlhja vydflr obwro buyplxb wyj ehvplo


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