Reer isaaq ogaden abtirsi qabiilka Cayr waa curadka Madarkicis Hiraab amaba Habargidir sida loo yaqaan. Reer Diini is one of the largest subclans in marehan. com Officially Launched | Here, Ogaden. Beesha waxay dagtaa gobollada kala ah Mudug, Galguduud, Shabeellaha Dhexe, Banaadir, Shabeellaha Hoose, Jubbada Dhexe iyo Jubbada Hoose. Post a reply. Marka halka maxa kagaa soo baxday That Dhulbahante and ogaden might be related , and that Majeerteen and Marexaan are related. They primarily inhabit the Korahe Zone and Fiq Zone in Ogaden region and Kismayo. • Taariikhyahanaku iyo dad badan oo bulshada warsangali ah waxay inta badan isku khaldan Cadaawada qabiilka waxay kuxirantahay nacayb darajo ah madaama ay reer miyiga Ogaadeeniya ku dhibaateeyeen ganacsatada Isaaq nacayb muuqaal ah, iyagoo ku qancay in hantidooda iyo badeecooyinkooda magaalooyinku aysan u qalmin. Re: Abtirsi. [2] Historically, when the clan would meet for political affairs, the Reer Nuur would be counted as one separate branch, on equal standing with the Habar Afan, Mahad 'Ase , Aadan Yonis and the Jibril Yonis sub groups of the Qolxad Waxaa caadi ahaan loo isticmaalo in dhacdooyinka dhaqanka, sida qoob, laakiin weli waa hub. Dhul-dhaqameedkiisu wuxuu ka kooban yahay Mudug, Nugaal, iyo meelo ka mid ah Bari. Habar is the maternal grouping in the Somali tribal segmentations. This is sadly necessary due to spam bots. The Farah Garad are divided into two sub-clans — Yassin Garad and For sacad muuse there is tuulo named after every reer and last summer I went to magaalo kuul it's bigger now 12 guri tuulada reer kuul, went to tuulada reer cabane and my grandfather established tuulada waddo makaahiil. Beelaha Isaaq iyo Kuwa kale ee Daaroodka qabiilka u haysta qaran weeye daarood ninkii Qolo. Cabdille Cali Maxamed; Cirrobe Cali Maxamed; Samatar Cali Maxamed; Jaamac Cali Maxamed; Faarax Cali Maxamed; Liibaan Cali Maxamed; Wacays Cali Maxamed; Cilmi Cali Maxamed; Magan Cali Maxamed; Warfaa Cali Maxamed; Cumar Cali Maxamed; Waa inaad soo gashaa si aad ugu dartid ilmo ama macluumaad The Habar Gidir (Somali: Habar Gidir, Arabic: هبر جدر) is a major subclan of the Hawiye. waa labada reer ugu ballaadhan beelaha isaaq Deegaan ahaan,waana reeraha ugu waaweyn qabiilada soomaaliyeed tiro ahaan. Reer isaaq taajiriinta ogaden waye Ma ladhihi karaa Sheekhaal (Af Ingiriis : Sheikhal; Af Carabi : ar ) sidoo kale loo qoro: Sheykhaal, Sheekhaash, waa beel ka mid ah dadka Soomaalida, kuwaasi oo deegaan ku ah wadanka Soomaaliya, Kiinya iyo Itoobiya. Written By: zakariya You will find Reer Cabdulle in the majority of the Ogaden's provinces, especially, Qorahey, Fiiq, Godey (Dhanan district) also in southern Somalia, in wajir south (Kenya). Dagmooyinka Caanka ah ee beeshu dagto waxaa ka mid ah Baladweyn farlibaax Quracjoome Ceelcade Buqgoosaar Ceelbarde Buurhakaba Diinsoor Sheikh Ishaaq bin Ahmed bin Muhammad bin al-Hussein al-Hashimi, was the semi-legendary Arab ancestor of the Somali Isaaq clan dynasty in the Horn of Africa, whose traditional region is vast and heavily inhabited. Waxay dhalasho wadaag yihiin beelaha Warsangeli, Reer-Darawiish, Dishiishe, iyo beelo kale, oo dhamaan wada Ah ilmo Harti, Koombe, kablalax, Daarood. Sidoo kale waxaa tiro fiican degan tahay gobolka The Reer Hagar sub clans are ten; four Bah Warsangeli and six Bah Ogaadeen. --- Cabdalle waxuu dhalay 4 wiil : Goraad (curad ah). AlleYaqaan Posts: 7 Beesha Madhibaan waxay ka tirsan tahay beelaha laga tirada badan yahay ee laga helo deegaano badan oo ka tirsan Geeska Afrika. The modern Guled Dynasty of the Isaaq Sultanate was established in the middle of the 18th century by Sultan Guled of the Eidagale clan of Isaaq clan family . Hangool don't believe abtirsi. Download scientific diagram | Segmentary lineage diagram of Rer ʿAbdille Ogaden, drawn by Malingur informant, Jigjiga, June 2018. With time the Habr Yunis and later the Habr Awal and Habr Je'lo would break from the Isaaq Sultanate with the Habr Yunis forming their own Sultanate led by Sugulle the Afmadoow instead of reer Cabdulle today Mareexaans would have something to worry about [/quote] Costa Xaabashi, listen saaxib: we Cabdallas are happy to live in peace in our district (Garissa, along with other Ogaden sub-clans) and as you know, even though we host many Somali refugees, these people are housed in camps and have never bothered us. Uhaysta waa Qaran 3 Qoomiyad Geeska ugu badan ah Sida Daarood amxaaro mid 25 Million lagu Qiyaaso OGADEN COMMUNITY | Beelaha Isaaq iyo Kuwa kale ee Daaroodka qabiilka u haysta qaran weeye daarood ninkii Qolo Re: Help with Isaaq abtirsi? Post by James Dahl » Fri Apr 11, 2008 7:02 pm Xaaji_Xundjuf wrote: you know what the thing is the mising genaration is nto a real big deal becous some dudes have kids whent hey are 20 some have when they Walaalo Kale. Written By: zakariya Mareexaan (Af Ingiriis : Marehan; Af Carabi : ar ) Waa beel ka mid ah Dadka Soomaalida ee ku dhaqan Koonfurta Soomaaliya. Waxay beeshu Degtaa Magaalooyinka Garoowe, Boosaaso, iyo Gaalkacyo. They're a part of Marehan. This clan is widely known for leading a resistance against the colonials in southern Somalia for decades which can be compared to the war of the Sayyid in Somaliland. Sheekh Isxaaq, waxa uu lahaa laba xaas oo kala ah, Xabuusha iyo Magaado. Around the 12th or 13th century, Sheikh Isaaq Bin Ahmed Bin Mohammed (Al-Hashimi) Bin Hussein was one of the Arabian scholars who travelled over the Ismacil Isaaq and Maxamed Isaaq are both sons of Sheikh Isaaq Axmed by the same mother, Magaado Magadle. Sidoo Kale Beesha 𝗚𝗮𝗮𝗹𝗷𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗹 waxey caan ku tahay dhaqashada xoolaha sida Geela iwm. I'm not 100% sure of that. Beelahaasi waxaa ka mid ah Dirta, Hawiyeha, Gardheere, Meyle, Ajuuraanka kuwaasi oo dhamaantood laga helo deegaano badan oo ka tirsan Geeska Afrika. [3] Intaas waxaa dheer, beeshani waxay si rasmi ah u degaan dhamaan magaalooyinka Somaliland. Odayga Cayr magacisi waa Maxamed madarkicis [2], waxaa dhashay hooyo Casho Gidir Karanle. Include your ancestry in the project, and post your abtirsi. [2] The reason: Somali clans who played a strong role in Ahmed Gran's conquest of Abyssinia, were principally the Habar Magadle Isaaq, the Harti Daarood, and the Mareehaan, these clans went to war not so much as Somalis but as Muslims. Gobolka Awdal waxaa dega beesha Gadabuursi. [1] [2] [3] i know for sure siidayada bay uu fiikiraan they carry our name stiill the story goos like this slaan absama aaah aya caruur lahayd ogaden eeh aah waagaa naa ciidangalle wa reer guruyaal and the moved aroun dooolle area ,and slaantii aabsame odaygii ciiidangallle bay uu James Dahl wrote:Fiqi 'Umar Fiqi Shamsi Fiqi Muhammad is the ancestor of the Sheekhaash, whom the Sheekhaal are related to via their maternal ancestor Faduma Mahdi Fiqi 'Umar, but recent genetic tests have shown conclusively that Sheekhaal are Martiile Hiraab and not a branch of Sheekhaash. Beesha waxayna degtaa Xamar oo Wacbudhan asal u leh iyo Shabellaha Dheexe oo ay ka dagaan 8/10 degmo waana qabiilka ugu tiro badan oo Kenya waxey ka dagaan Deganada Somalida ee Kenya oo kala ah Gobolka Wajir. [1]Osman Mahamoud's history is not limited to Abtirsi. They are the traditional holders of the Isaaq Sultanate since the Father: Ogadein "Abdirahman" Absame Kumade Barwaaq tagalwaq miyirwalal Ogaden absame. Bah Awrtable Muuse Ciise; Rer Shirwac Muuse Ciise; Reer Samatar Muuse Ciise; Rer Jarafle Muuse Ciise; Hussain Muuse Ciise; Musse Cade Muuse Ciise; Cali Nuur Muuse Ciise; Cabdi Ciise Muuse Ciise; Nuux Muuse Ciise; Nuux Axmed (colmarabe) Muuse Ciise Maxamed Axmed Muuse Ciise; Culumocad Muuse Ciise; Xasan Biciidyahan Muuse Ciise; Waa inaad Father: Ogadein "Abdirahman" Absame Kumade Barwaaq tagalwaq miyirwalal Ogaden absame. They are scattered throughout the Horn of Africa, with the majority residing in the Biimaal waa beelo ka mid ah beelaha Dir, kuwaasi oo dega koofurta ıyo galbeedka wadanka Soomaaliya. Unfortunately, I don't know the names mahdi gulaid. Waxay sidoo kale beeshu degtaa, Ishaaq bin Ahmed bin Muhammad, more commonly known as Sheikh Ishaaq or Sheikh Isaaq (Arabic: الشيخ إسحاق بن أحمد بن محمد, romanized: Ash-Shaykh Isḥāq bin Aḥmad bin Muḥammad, Somali: Sheekh Isxaaq) was an Islamic scholar of the The Habar Yoonis (Arabic: هبر يونس, full Nasab: Said ibn Al-Qādhī Ismā'īl ibn ash-Shaykh Isḥāq ibn Aḥmad [1]) alternatively spelled as Habr Yunis is a major clan part of the wider Isaaq clan. Reer Abdulle is a Somalia n sub clan of the larger Mohamed Zubeyr clan, which is in turn part of Ogaden clan. Beesha Biimaal waxeey degtaa Gobolka Shabeellaha Hoose iyo Gobolada Jubbada Hoose iyo Jubbada Dhexe, ethiopia ( Qoraxeey,nusdariiq, Kabtinur, qabridahar, jarati, doolow Dishiishe (Af Ingiriis : Dishiishe) Mohammud Ahmed Harti Amaleh Abdi Muhammad Abdirahman Jaberti; sidoo kale loo qoro Dashiishe, Dishishe, Dashishle Waa qabiil ka tirsan beelaha Daaroodka, ee Dadka Soomaalida. Sidoo kale dalka ,kenya iyo Ethopia, Digil iyo Mirifle waa beel kamid ah beelaha soomalida , Habar jeclo( Af-Ingiriisi Habr je'lo, Af-Carabi هبر جعلو) , Magaca Oo Dhamaystiran: Muuse Sheekh Isxaaq ibnu Axmad, waa beel weyn oo balaadan oo ah beelaha ugu waaweyn qabiilka isaaq ama reer sheekh isxaaq, . 2017). Qabyaalad pro-tip: Isaaq and Reer Isaaq are not the same thing. Jijeele waa beel ka tirsan beelwaynta Hawiye, Beeshu waxay degta oo ay deegan u leedahay Gobolada koonfur ee dalka Somalia gaar ahaan gobolada kala ah Hiran,Bay,Bakool iyo Shabeelada hoose iyo Banaadir. Waaa reerka labad ee ugu t tiro ahaan isaaq kadib h. com some of its correct but there some errors and a lot missing jilibs due to favoritism Osman Mahmoud (Somali: Cismaan Maxamuud; Arabic: عسمان محمود) is a Somali sub-clan and is one of the largest sub-clans within the larger Majeerteen Harti branch of the Darod clan. Top. Qubeys Isaaq Daauud ; Waa inaad soo gashaa si aad ugu dartid ilmo ama maluumaad Beelaha Isaaq iyo Kuwa kale ee Daaroodka qabiilka u haysta qaran weeye daarood ninkii Qolo. [6]The current supreme Garad of the Dhulbahante is Garad Jama Garad Ali. Gadabuursi (Af Ingiriis : Gadabuursi), sidoo kale loo yaqaano Samaroon, waa qabiil ka tirsan Beelaha Dir, ee Dadka Soomaalida. His coronation took place after the victorious battle of Lafaruug, in which Guled Abdi successfully led the Isaaq and was crowned by the Isaaq clan after defeating the Absame tribes. Xubnaheeda waxay ka kooban yihiin qayb ka mid ah qoyska qabiilka Daarood, waxayna inta badan degan yihiin Puntland ee waqooyi-bari Soomaaliya. [2] Intaas waxaa dheer, beesha Habargidir waxay si rasmi ah u degaan caasimada soomaaliya ama gobolka banaadir, gobolka shabeelada hoose , gobolka shabeelada dhexe, gobolka jubada hoose ,gobolka jubada sare, gobolka sool , gobolka nugaal, gobolka Members of the subclan are descendants of Mohamed Abokor, the great-great-great-grandson of Sheikh Ishaaq bin Ahmed. Reer ali reer isaaq ( )[/quote] they seriously believe this shit . Warfa Shirwa Ogale; Mahamud Shirwa Ogale; Siblings (mother not known) You have to be signed in to add children or details. . The sub-clan is most renowned for its rich history within Somalia, that of which include sultanates such as the Majeerteen Sultanate and Hobyo Sultanate. Waa Guest wrote: Dhaqanka - Abtirsiga beelaha reer-guuraaga Qore: Saadiq Eenow - Sweden -----Reer guuraagii Soomaaliyeed, qabiilku wuxuu u ahaa urur kulmiya xubnaha beelaha ee baadiyaha ku baahsan, isla markaasna waxay ka ogaan jireen waxa uu yahay qofka socotada ah oo la soo dersa. Habar Xabuusheed Axmed (Tol-Jeclo) Muuse Ibrahiim (Sanbuur) Mahammad (‘Ibraan) 2. Walaalo Kale. ciisuhu Isaaq. [1]The Musa Abokor are one of the largest sub-divisions of the Habr Je'lo clan family. Amina Caynaan. The later is an Ogaadeen subclan. Farah (Bah Warsangeli) first though do you know what subclans of Ogaden and Warsangeli? James Dahl Site Admin Posts: 221 The Ogaadeen lady was Reer Isaaq and the Warsangeli lady was Cumar I think. by garwayne » Walaalo Kale. Gobolka Wajir waxaa dago Reer Mataan laf ka mid ah oo la Soomane Isaaq; Cabdulle Isaaq; Yusuf Dauud Cabdulle Yusuf Muuse The modern Guled Dynasty of the Isaaq Sultanate was established in the middle of the 18th century by Sultan Guled of the Eidagale clan of Isaaq clan family . waxayna ka tirsanyihiin beelweynta Quraysh, Banu Taym. Beesha biimaal waa boqortoyada kalii ee dagaal lagashay talyaniga konfurta soamlia. Farah (Bah Warsangeli) first though do you know what subclans of Ogaden and The Isaaq (Somali: Reer Sheekh Isxaaq, Arabic: بنو إسحاق, Banu Ishaq) is a major Somali clan. Sida ku xusan buugaag wakhtiyo hore la qoray iyo dhaqan Soomaaliga, beesha Toljecle waa Curadka Reer Sheekh Isxaaq Ibnu Axmed Al-Hashimi, oo la sheegay inuu asal ahaan ka soo ambobaxay wadamada Carabta gaar ahaan Ciraaq. Cilmi Qeyr Allamagan; Cilmi Qeyr Allamagan; Gulled / Alibahal Qeyr Allamagan; Waa inaad soo gashaa si aad ugu dartid ilmo ama macluumaad Xaalku markuu Halkaa marahayo, Arin yaa la isku duwday oo waxeey dheheen adeerkeen eeynu Arin been ah ooynu inagu sheegnay uqabsane, Hadalkaasuna ha noqdo ( Adeerow maxaad u tidhi ilma warfaa Inaan Jabbada ka raro Mooyee, iyagu Iskama rari Karaan, Eeynuna makhraati Been gashano, Nin hada magaciisu naga maqanyahay, Laakin lagu sheegay In aabo abtirsi The Habr Awal, also contemporarily known as the Subeer Awal, and alternately romanized as the Zubeyr Awal (Somali: Habar Awal, Arabic: هبر أول, Full Name: Zubeyr ibn Abd al-Raḥmān ibn ash-Shaykh Isḥāq ibn Aḥmad) is the most populated clan of the wider Isaaq clan family, and abtirsintasheekhisaxaaqis further divided into eight sub-clans of whom the two largest and Asalka iyo Abtiriska Qabiilka Reer Aw Xasan Beesha Gaaljecel waxay ka dhalatay beelweynta Gugundhabe Hawiye irir samaale ee dagan deegaano badan oo ka tirsan Geeska Afrika. For instance your abtirsi, your abtirsi to Sheikh Samaroon averages 30 years (600/20), precisely the average for an abtirsi, so with the men marrying at the age of 50 there must also be several of your ancestors who married at the age of 20 and everything in between, your abtirsi says that northern abtirsi should be just as long as southern ones, with their 30 year average generations. Reer Cali Dhalaa; Maxamuud; Ibraahim; Jibraahiil; Maxamed "Ummadnebi" Cabdullahi "Toljecle" Xasan "Himidoor" Talareer; Maxamed "Walaal Salax "Harti" Hantaale; Amlaale; Koombe "Cabdi" Kablalax "Maxamed" Daarood "Cabdiraxmaan" Jaberti "Ismaciil" Reer Cali Dhalaa Maxamuud Ibraahim Waxaa ku Daray: garboole Xasuso Shaqsigan. Qabiilkaan waxuu u badanyahay woqooyiga gaar ahaan gobolada Sanaag,meelaha kale ee degaan waxaa ka mid ah Galbeedka gobolka Bari iyo koonfurta soomaaliya bay, Bakool ilaa Jubbada Hoose. Though some of course will argue the opposite, but the evidence Cali Jimcaale Axmad wuxuu sharxay kitaabka la yiraahdo “The Invention of Somalia” laguna daabacay 1995 “The Red Sea Press, Inc. Intiisa badan Mareexaan wuxuu ku dhaqan yahay gobolka Jubbada Hoose, Gedo iyo Jubbada dhexe ee Koonfurta Soomaaliya, gobollada dhexe ee Galguduud iyo Mudug, gobolka Somaali Galbeed, Makabul divides into Reer Sa'ad and Makahil. r/Somalia. Guud ahaan, beesha Daarood waxaa ka farcama reero badan oo ka mid ah Cayr waa beel ka mid ah bahweynta Habargidir ee Hawiye [1]. -iyo inta u dhaxaysa- oo dhamaantood Caasimado u ah Gobolo kamida 18 kii gobol ee Soomaaliya. Reer Maxamud Xasan; Reer Cali Hassan; Maxamuud; Ibraahim; Jibraahiil; Maxamed "Ummadnebi" Cabdullahi "Toljecle" Xasan "Himidoor" Talareer; Kablalax "Maxamed" Daarood "Cabdiraxmaan" Jaberti "Ismaciil" Reer Maxamud Xasan Reer Cali Hassan Maxamuud Waxaa ku Daray: faracade Xasuso Shaqsigan. The clan has produced some prominent Somali figures, including the first Prime Minister of Somalia Abdullahi Issa Mohamud, and Somalia's fifth President Abdiqasim Salad Hassan. Qabiilka ciisaha waxa lagu yaqaanaa oo uu caan ku yahay kala dambaynta iyo ismaqalka oo ah waxyaabaha ugu muhiimsan ee jiritaanta ummadeed. Surre waxuu dhalay: cabdalle iyo qabeys. Daarood (Af Ingiriis : Darod; Af Carabi : ar ) waa beel ka mid ah beelaha Soomaalida kuwaasi oo degan Geeska Afrika. Yes, Isaaq abtirsi goes back to Hussain ibn Ali the prophets grandson Reply reply Top 3% Rank by size . Bahale, the son of Miyir Walal, has the sons Awl Yahan, Bah Geri and Zuber" (Lecturer 27 Oct. Template:Tree list. Xarbi Ismaaciil Samatar, abtirkiisa uu reer dalal guuleed ka galo bal iisoo sax sxb. Qorayaasha carabka ee soo baxay ka dib, Reer Bicidyahan (Somali: Biciidyahan) is a sub-clan of the Majeerteen clan family, which is part of the larger Harti confederation of Darod clans. buranbur macan besha ogaden reer isaaq Walaalo Kale. The Somali civil war has been going on for 30 years as of this writing (in 2011). Written By: zakariya Zakariye xussen yuusuf sagal ABDI shirwac xirsi magan kooshin. Recognizing Isaaq as a standalone tribe like Hawiye and Darood (which they should be) would create a massive dilemma for Mogadishu politicians as it would require more Isaaq involvement in politics there. (Hoehne 2015, 2), some of the Ogaden refugees in the Isaaq territories of north-western Somalia were armed by the Barre regime, and between 1981 and 1991, were engaged in the conflict between the Toljecle waa Curadka Isaaq ama Reer Sheekh Isxaaq. Habar Magaadle Ayuub Awal Arab Garhajis Isaaqu waa qabiil ka mid ah qabaailada Soomaaliyeed. Ciise waa qabiil ka kamid ah qoomiyada direed waana madoobe dir oo ah ku xigaha curadka direed ugu waawayn Soomalida. [1] [2] [3]The clan are the largest tribe in the Jubaland state and make the majority of the Gedo, Middle Juba and Lower Juba states, some major cities in these states owned by the tribe are Beled Hawo, Jilib, Saakow, Kismayo, Bardhere and iley used to have a reer amadin, cali yusuf, maaln guur dudes in charge of liyu, but last couple years it was reer isaaq and still is reer isaaq Ogaen have a very unique relation, we are not like Mjs dominated by one sub clan, even though moahmed zubeer is actually younger than osman muxamuud in abtirsi level but more numerous Ogaden sub clans Habar jeclo( Af-Ingiriisi Habr je'lo, Af-Carabi هبر جعلو) , Magaca Oo Dhamaystiran: Muuse Sheekh Isxaaq ibnu Axmad, waa beel weyn oo balaadan oo ah beelaha ugu waaweyn qabiilka isaaq ama reer sheekh isxaaq, Bah ??? Irole Muuse Isaaq ; Ali Muuse Isaaq ; Sangaab Muuse Isaaq ; Sugwaay Muuse Isaaq ; Walaalo Kale. com database gives the following lists (number of entry in brackets): Talamuge (417) - Cabdi - Sunwaaq - Siin Waaq - Cabudwaaq (422) - Siin Waaq - Aw Mahadle - Cadbikariin - Yaxye (426) - Nagaaye Gabar oromo ah o tiri reer somaliland <isaaqa> hoyadood wa oromo oroma dhashay qabiilka isaaq la dhaho The Habr Awal, also contemporarily known as the Habar Awal, Subeer Awal, and alternately known as the Zubeyr Awal (Somali: Habar Awal, Arabic: هبر أول, Full Name: Zubeyr ibn Abd al-Raḥmān ibn ash-Shaykh Isḥāq ibn Aḥmad) [1] is one of the largest subclans of the wider Isaaq clan family, and is further divided into eight sub-clans of whom the two largest and most Abtirsi. 1 post • Page 1 of 1. OGAYSIIS: Shir Wayne Beesha Garjinte Gardheer Samaale oo ka Dhacaya Magaalada Pheonix ee Mareykanka. Reer ciagaale dheere 2) Reer collow 3) reer Amarre 4) Reer AWAD 5) Reer aw cabdi 6) (Awd) was killed during a battle with the rival Daarood (Ogaden) #Reer_isaaq Horta yaa talin jiray? --> #Reer_isaaq - dee Kala - baro - dadka - iga - baro Heavy - weight Champion #Jaahuur baan ahay. Haddii aad odayashaasha iyo wax garadka beesha Dir waydiiso cidda Isaaq Forum rules To post on the forum please PM James Dahl for posting rights. [1] Deegaan ahaan, wuxuu Ogaadeen soohdin qabiil la leeyahay Isaaq iyo reer darawiish dhinaca waqooyi, iyo qowmiyadda Oromo dhinaca galbeed, iyo dhinaca koonfur wuxuu Ogaadeen soohdin la leeyahay Rahanweyn. Deegaanada ay ka talineeysay boqortooyadii Adal ee beesha Gadabuursi. Historically, they occupied the buffer zone between the Gadabuursi and Isaaq tribes. The Rahanweyn (Maay: Reewin, Somali: Raxanweyn, Arabic: رحنوين), also known as the Digil and Mirifle (Somali: Digil iyo Mirifle) is a major Somali clan. [1] [2] [3]The clan are the largest tribe in the Jubaland state and make the majority of the Gedo, Middle Juba and Lower Juba states, some major cities in these states owned by the tribe are Beled Hawo, Jilib, Saakow, Kismayo, Bardhere and Abtirsi. 50w. [1] [2] [3] They primary reside in and around their traditional territories of Nugaal, as well as Doollo. Waxaa sidoo kale laga heli karaa Soomaali Caato Officiall @Liibaan Jama @fahmo fiicaney @Gulledsimba @SOMÁLIA SUCESSADA @SULDAAN OFFICIAL @SADAAM OFFICIAL @SOCDAAL CHANNEL @Lamaane Offic garjinte said. Children sired by Shirwa Ogale Jibril. by AlleYaqaan » Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:01 pm . Muuse Isaaq Daauud ; Waa inaad soo gashaa si aad ugu dartid ilmo ama macluumaad "Habar Ogaden" Written By: James Dahl Bookmark this person. Labadaas reer ayaa qoraalku sheegay in ay istuseen in malaha ay isku asal yihiin, balse qolo weliba ku adkaysatay in ay halkeeda ku negaato. This prominent Somali clan, despite being one of the youngest in Somalia, is one of the most significant in the nation's history [2] and has given rise to many notable figures, including three presidents, including the current one as well as the founding father of the The Dulbahante had a number of good reasons to put their energies into a jihad: first, the British had not concluded a trade agreement or treaty with them and favored competing clans; second, the Dulbahante felt threatened by the Ethiopian advance into the Ogaden, which formed part of Dulbahante pastures — Reer Diini; Languages; Somali: Religion; Islam: Related ethnic groups; Hawrarsame, Reer Hassan, and other Marehan Sub-clans. December,29, 2011 – Waxaa La ogeysinayaa dhamaan xubnaha ku abtirsada beesha Garjinte ee ku dhaqan dalka Mareykanka [USA] in ay ka soo qayb galaan shir weyn oo mudo la abaabulayay, ahna kii ugu horeeyay oo ay beeshu ku Xubnaha beesha Isaaq Sheikh Isxaaq Bin Axmed waxaa ka soo tafiirmay reeraha hoos ku xusan: 1. Aabe Mabsuud buu ka yahay reer Isaaq meelu joogaba'e Waad mahadsantiin dhalashadaad muruq u yeesheene Isimada Beelaha Somaliyeed oo aan ahayn Isaaq markaad waydiisid Qabiilka beesha Isaaq reerka ay isir raac galaan waxay kuu cadaynayaan in Isaaq isir ahaan yahay Dir. Wuxuu gabayga ugu calaacalyaa uguna Waxaan ku laygu dhalay DIRE dhaba 1962,anigoo caruur ah baa jabuuti aabahay I keeney,muddi yar ka dib Aabe waxaa LOO masaafuriyey Somalia. Garxajis waa beelaha ka mid ah beelaha Isaaq. The Habar Yoonis (Somali: Habaryoonis) is a Somali clan, part of the larger Isaaq group. Isaaq is actually a subclan of dir. It is one of the largest Somali clan families in the Horn of Africa, with a large and densely populated traditional territory. It is one of the major Somali clans in the Horn of Africa, with a large territory in the densely populated fertile valleys of the Jubba and Shebelle rivers and the areas inbetween, which are mainly inhabited by settlers from the Digil Digil& Mirifle. The clan-family traces their lineage to Sheikh Ishaaq bin Ahmed, an Arab Islamic scholar who purportedly traveled to Somaliland in the 12th Bah ??? Ugaas Umar Ugaas Hirsi Ugaas Mahamed; Ugaas Haashi Ugaas Hirsi Ugaas Mahamed; Waa inaad soo gashaa si aad ugu dartid ilmo ama maluumaad The Madhiban (Somali: Madhibaan, Arabic:مطيبان, also spelled ماديبان, Madeban, Madebaan, or Madebban) alternately known as Reer Sheikh Madhibe or Mohammed Gorgaarte, [3] [4] are a prominent Somali sub-clan of the Gorgaarte, which belongs to the Hawiye conglomerate of clans. DIGIL& MIRIFLE (Af ingiriis:Digil& Mirifle; Af Carabi:رحنوين) waa Beel kamid ah Beelaha Soomaalida kuwaasi oo degan Geeska Afrika . U`úUgÁÆ à¯yH ){=,%BOZm €ªj ÜT ?ýòÛ ýóߟ À1 Àÿ £Él±Úì §Ëíñòöñõó÷¼ïoýÿ·þ|ÅœµK»I ,»ãˆ ã t^âu¥IZ mR“”‡ØÿMÍï Awrtable ama Yuusuf Daarood waa beel Soomaaliyeed oo ka soo jeeda qabiilka Daarood. Dishiishuhu waxay deegaan ku yihiin wadanka Soomaaliya (gaar ahaan gobolada Puntland ee Bariiyo deegaano kale oo ka tirsan Soomaaliya. The Reer Diini is a Somali sub-clan. [4] They are well known for greatly participating in the Dervish movement led by Sayyid Mohammed Abdullah Hassan as well as The Dhulbahante, (Somali: Dhulbahante, Arabic: الدلبهانتة) are a Somali sub-clan, part of the Harti branch of the larger Darod clan. The isaaqs have arabizes their lineage for political gains. Beesha Daarood waxaay degtaa wadanka Soomaaliya, Jubaland Galmudug iyo Puntland wadanka Itoobiya iyo deegaano ka tirsan wadanka Kiinya. [4] [5] The clan's progenitor is buried at Badweyn. Reer ciagaale dheere 2) Reer collow 3) reer Amarre 4) Reer AWAD 5) Reer aw cabdi 6) reer xasan xirsi 7) reer About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Maxamed Siyaad Barre (see abtirsi) was the last president of a united, coherent Somali Republic. waxay soohdin qabiil la leeyihiin Ogaden dhinaca koonfureed, iyo dharw jilib ee Isaaq dhinaca galbeed, iyo dhinaca bariga jaberti - Ismacil - Darood - Kablalax - Kumade - Absame - Ogaden that's the easiest part After Ogaden things become complicated Ogaden # Warfa # Maqaabul - Sacad - Makaahil - Muddan # Miyirwalaal - Barwaaq-- Tagalwaaq _1)- Yusuf ____- Muse _____- Talomoge Reer Cusmaan,Reer Cabdille,Reer Isahaaq Cali Jadeed Waa basic knowledge Include your ancestry in the project, and post your abtirsi. The Majeerteen, (Somali: Majeerteen, Arabic: ماجرتين; also spelled Majerteen, Macherten, Majertain, or Mijurtin) [1] alternately known as Mohammed Harti, [2] are a Somali sub-clan part of the Harti branch of the Darod clan. 11 posts • Page 1 of 2 • 1, 2. The Abtirsi. They are the traditional holders of the Isaaq Sultanate since the Isaaq is actually a subclan of dir. Aabe: Reer Cali Hassan Maxamuud Ibraahim. Iyada oo sidaas ah, haddana dhibka ugu weyni waxa uu ka jiraa garasho la’aan ku saabsan farqiga u dhexeeya qabiil The Farah Garad or the Garad Farah (Somali: Faarax Garaad, Arabic: فارح جراد, Full Name: ’Farah Shirshore Habarwa Abdullah Muse Said Saleh Abdi Mohamed Abdirahman bin Isma'il al-Jabarti) is a Somali clan which is part of the Dhulbahante clan-family, a sub-division of the larger Harti/Darod clan. The Habr Yunis Sultanate finds its roots in the Isaaq Sultanate which was established by the Rer Guled branch of the Eidagale after the Isaaq successfully defeated the Absame clan at Lafaruug in the 17th century. 40 Topics 187 Posts Last post by axmd Wed May 19, 2021 9:39 am; Biographies Please help write biographies for your ancestors. A Mohammed Amaanreer but i just think that they have the same name, thats all Habar awal also have reer ahmed, reer dalal we are all somalis and we share the --- Isaaq--- Biyamaal: (cabduraxmaan o lo yaqaana gaadsan waa: c/raxman irmage dhadhaati biyamaal. It is one of the major Somali clans in the Horn of Africa, with a large and densely populated traditional territory. K. Garxajis wuxuu u kala baxa Ciidagale iyo Habaryoonis. They are considered to Ogaadeenku waxay deegaan ku yihiin Itoobiya (gaar ahan deegaanka Ogaden), wadanka Soomaaliya (gaar ahaan koonfur), iyo wadanka Kiinya. AUN Aabahay wuxuu is sheegay inaynu nahay CIISE,kana naha QODAX GOB,ABA YONIS wax intaa dhaafsan ma garan karoo,imika waxan doonayaa inan ku laabto halki aan u dhashay oo laguna dhalay. 71 Topics 237 Posts Last post by Zizy30 Mon Feb 28, 2022 1:07 pm; Corrections, Additions Please point out incorrect or missing information. Sidoo kale, magaalada Jigjiga iyo Diridhabe waxaa ku dhaqan tiro badan oo Madhibaan ah. Sidoo kale waxay degtaa gobolka loo yaqaan Soomaali Galbeed ee hadda loo bixiyey DDSI. Masha Allah isaaq Haaddii aan sii anba qaado Nooloshii Shiikh Isaaq Wuxuu ku dhashay Magaalada Hadda loo Yaqaan Molsan ee Wadanka Ciraaq Miyigeeda 80 miles North , shiikh markii hore waxaay ka yimaadeen Abaabihiis iyo Caailadiisu dulkan Yaman waxaana la dhashay 4 wiil shiikha ISXAAQ //,Shiikh Isaaq 14 jir markuu gaadhay Nasiiba daro waxaa Dhintay Abhiihiis AXMED Xkeyse Dhulbahante can not say their abtirsii is more then 22, remember you have the abtirsi of the maxamuud garaad of the dhulbahante afxakame soo muu ahayn odaygii its exact the same amount. Its members inhabit the eastern portions of the Ogaden, primarily in and around the Werder Zone. goodjob whiteboy *cough*X. Xil_wareejintii __ Qabiilka #Reer_xamid biciidyahan #Magaalada buuhoodle Waxa Ku sugan ___ ciidankii Qaranka somaliyeed Walal Warsangali waa qabiil ka mid ah qabiil weynaha Daarood kana sii ah Harti. This jaberti - Ismacil - Darood - Kablalax - Kumade - Absame - Ogaden that's the easiest part After Ogaden things become complicated Ogaden # Warfa # Maqaabul - Sacad - The Reer Hagar sub clans are ten; four Bah Warsangeli and six Bah Ogaadeen. REER ISAAQ are sub-clan of Mohamed Subeer, the largest OG sub-clan REER ISAAQ primarily settle in Dhagaxbuur and Aware: Reer Isaaq : Reer Cali -Reer Diini -Reer Maxamed -Reer Cali-Gaab -Reer Cambaar -Reer Afwaax Guuleed -Reer Dalal-Guuleed -Reer CagaWeyne -Reer Wacays -Reer Guuleed Reer Fiqi-Cigaal -Reer Hadi -Reer Xamdi Haaruun The Reer Hagar sub clans are ten; four Bah Warsangeli and six Bah Ogaadeen. Ogaden comunity | . Sacuudi Carabiya oo XIJAAS, loo aqoon jiray, iyo Yamen: kadib marki dagaal oo dhex maray Boqortooyadii umu wayiinta iyo Cabaasi yiinta , ayaga oo ka cabsi qabay in cabaasi yiinta ee dilaan maadaama ee ka soo jeedeen Qabiilka Reer bani umaya oo waq tigaas aheed boqortoyadi dhul kaas ka tali neesay. Gabar oromo ah o tiri reer somaliland <isaaqa> hoyadood wa oromo oroma dhashay qabiilka isaaq la dhaho Somali clans (Somali: Qabaa'ilka Soomaalida; Arabic: القبائل الصومالية, romanized: al-Qabā'il al-Sūmāliyya) are patrilineal kinship groups based on agnatic descent of the Somali people. Magaca beeshu wuxuu ka yimid ereyga Beesha Habargidir waxay ka tirsan tahay beelweynta Hawiye, ee laga helo deegaano badan oo ka tirsan Geeska Afrika. The Bimaal or Bimal, (Somali: Biimaal; Arabic:بيمال) are a sub-clan of the major Dir clan family. The full name of the subclan is Muḥammad ibn Abū Bakr ibn Jibrīl ibn Abū Bakr ibn Mūsa ibn ash-Shaykh Ishaaq ibn Aḥmad. Ashlee~ SomaliNet Super Posts: 5989 Joined: Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:39 pm Reer Abdulle. !! Waa inaad soo gashaa si aad ugu dartid ilmo ama macluumaad beelaha darod. The Garhajis Shiekh Ishaaq ibn Ahmad) is a major sub-clan of the wider Isaaq clan. [3] [4] One of the ancestral cities of the Sacad Muse is Hargeisa, the Guban in the Northern and Western Somaliland, Hawd plateu in the Somali region of Ethiopia. [1] [2]The first Prime Minister of Somalia, Abdullahi Issa Mohamud Since the 1980s, analyses of African political identities have emphasized identity manipulation as a governance tool. Waxa uu sheegayaa Al-Idriisi Hawiye inay ahayd qabiilka Soomaaliga ugu horaysa ee laga wada hadlayo Geeska Afrika. – Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 ee dalka Maraykanka, wuxuu bogiisa ku wariyay oo yiri Xawaadle abtirsigeedu waa sidatan: [3] Maxamad Xawaadle; Qowmiyada #Xawaadle kala baro 👈; A: Midigsame Xawaadle; B: Miilaawe Xawaadle The Marehan (Somali: Mareexaan, Arabic: مريحان) is a Somali clan, which is part of one of the largest Somali clan families, the Darod. Uhaysta waa Qaran 3 Qoomiyad Geeska ugu badan ah Sida Daarood amxaaro mid 25 Million lagu Qiyaaso OGADEN COMMUNITY | Beelaha Isaaq iyo Kuwa kale ee Daaroodka qabiilka u haysta qaran weeye daarood ninkii Qolo Isaaq is only considered Dir in Somalian politics as a way to nerf Isaaq relevance/power in Mogadishu state affairs. UmarShire Posts: 1 Joined: Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:57 pm. Besha Cayr waa beesha ugu weyn beesha Habargidir; waxay degtaa beeshu meelo ka mid ah gobolka Jubbada Dhexe iyo gobolo ku Ogaden cawlyahan iyo reer isaaq baan u nacay Abgaal (Af Ingiriis : Abgal; Af Carabi : ar ) waa beel hoosaad ka mid ah beelweynta Mudulood ee Hawiye. r/Somalia qabiilka, waxa uuna billaabi doonaa ka shaqe ynta kordhinta dantiisa shakhsiga. Ayub and Abd al-Rahman are sons of Sheikh Isaaq and Magadle's sister, so they along with Ismacil and Maxamed are all "Bah Magadle", in other words their Reer Abti (mother's family) are from Magadle Maxamed of the Maahe Dir clan. DalJecel60 SomaliNet Heavyweight Posts: 1767 Reer Dalalka Iidoor ee weliba Jibril Abokorka waa qabiilka labaad ee ugu baladhan beesha Jibriil Abokor oo waxaa ka wayn Reer Xareed. [3] Iwaa afar oo kala ah: Gaaljecel Gugundhabe , Dagoodiye Gugundhabe , Baadicade Gugundhabe iyo Jiijeele Gugundhabe, morile Gugundhabe . AlleYaqaan Posts: 7 e reer isaaq waxay ukala baxaan reer hawd iyo reer hunde. The Farah Garad are divided into two sub-clans — Yassin Garad and Dagaalkii Dhurwaale ee Reer Isaaq (Ogaadeen) iyo Ciidagale (Isaaq) ku hardameen hase yeeshee guushu ku raacday Reer Isaaq ayuu Qawdhan Ducaale gabaygan ka tiriyey. More posts you may like Related Somalia Africa East Africa Place forward back. [11] Intaas waxaa dheer, beelaha Samaale waxay si rasmi ah u degaan Soomaaliya, Itoobiya. )--- Baajimaal--- Quraanyow ( garre ayuu ladagay asagoo quranka bari jiray markaas ayuu ka guursaday, wuuna ku dhaxtarmay. James Dahl I should really have i know for sure siidayada bay uu fiikiraan they carry our name stiill the story goos like this slaan absama aaah aya caruur lahayd ogaden eeh aah waagaa naa ciidangalle wa reer guruyaal and the moved aroun dooolle area ,and slaantii aabsame odaygii ciiidangallle bay uu The Farah Garad or the Garad Farah (Somali: Faarax Garaad, Arabic: فارح جراد, Full Name: ’Farah Shirshore Habarwa Abdullah Muse Said Saleh Abdi Mohamed Abdirahman bin Isma'il al-Jabarti) is a Somali clan which is part of the Dhulbahante clan-family, a sub-division of the larger Harti/Darod clan. sheikh isaaq's abtirsi is isaaq maxamed xiniftire maha dir aji irir samaale. Sidoo kale Siblings (mother not known) Jidwaq Absame Kumade; Bal'ad Absame Kumade; Weytein Absame Kumade; You have to be signed in to add children or details e reer isaaq waxay ukala baxaan reer hawd iyo reer hunde. Prominent Figures * Nuur Cubudhiye, a clan leader (don) from 1805 to 1850 * Raage Ugaas * Qamaan Bulxan * Saahid Qamaan * Faarax Caytame Maxamad Daauud vs Isaaq Maxamad (Both are comparable abtirsi wise) Ciiis Maxamad ----Maxaadaar Isaaq Cali Maxamad-----Maxaadroon Isaaq Cisman Maxamad---Abokor Isaaq Yuusuf Maxamad-----Yuusuf Isaaq Ciis Maxamad and Maxaadaar Isaaq are the two largest sections Ciis had Mataan only . Boqor Xirsi Amaan the warrior king (1823-1879) the first founder of centralized northern Somali state, the first sultan who ever imposed regulated tax on both the coast of Berbera and Bulaxaar, coining the Somali term of "sed boqortooyo" before 'cashuur' was even known. 3y; View 19 more comments Dagaalkii Dhurwaale ee Reer Isaaq (Ogaadeen) iyo Ciidagale (Isaaq) ku hardameen hase yeeshee guushu ku raacday Reer Isaaq ayuu Qawdhan Ducaale gabaygan ka tiriyey. Reer ka ugu taariikh badan isaaq. Post by Muhammad bin Harti » Wed Oct 08, 2008 5:26 am . The Sacad muuse is also the largest subclan in the isaaq family and is most powerful clan in the isaaq tribe . Its members form the (Somali: Habr Habusheed/Habeshat) confederation along with the Ibran, Sanbuur and Tolje’lo. com Officially Launched. Forum rules To post on the forum please PM James Dahl for posting rights. [1] Sheekhaasha waxaa lagu magacaabaa Fiqi Cumar oo ah odaygii ay ka soo tafiirmeen. Reer warsame faarax. In the Somali Horn of Africa, however, politicians’ efforts to reinvent The Habar Yoonis (Somali: Habaryoonis) is a Somali clan, part of the larger Isaaq group. from publication: Political Identity as Temporal Collapse: The Marehan (Somali: Mareexaan, Arabic: مريحان) is a Somali clan, which is part of one of the largest Somali clan families, the Darod. The Abgaal (Somali: Abgaal; Arabic: أبگال) are a Somali sub-clan of the Hawiye [1] and the even larger Samaale clan. Re: Reer Isaaq additions. Said Garxajis married, from the Daarood sub-clan, Geri Koombe (Aba-Yoonis). [1] [2] [3] Tradition and folklore connects the origin of the Somali population by language and way of life, and societal organisations, by customs, and by a feeling of belonging to a broader The Musa Abokor (Somali: Muuse Abokor, Arabic: موسى بن أبو بكر full name: Mūsa ibn Abū Bakr ibn Jibrīl ibn Abū Bakr ibn Mūsa ibn ash-Shaykh Isḥāq ibn Aḥmad) is a Somali clan, and a 2 major sub-division of the muuse sh isxaaq clan of the Isaaq clan-family. The Isaaq people claim in a traditional legend to have descended from Sheikh Ishaaq bin Ahmed, an Islamic scholar who purportedly traveled to Somaliland in Ayub and Abd al-Rahman are sons of Sheikh Isaaq and Magadle's sister, so they along with Ismacil and Maxamed are all "Bah Magadle", in other words their Reer Abti Ismaciil had three sons: Musse Ismaciil (Gadhweyne and Reer Cawl), Abdalle Ismaciil (Cumar Abdalle, Idarees Abdalle and Muuse Abdale) and Yonis Ismaciil (Sacad Xoolo dhaqato ayaad tahay Toljecle waa curadka Sheekh Isxaaq waana curadka habar xabuush waana 7 Sheekh Isxaaq ninkii soo koriyay ee cida gale ku lahaa waxaan U baahanahay (Dhuux Baraar) malaa haduu ayaad qabiil barteen Deegaan ahaan, wuxuu Ogaadeen soohdin qabiil la leeyahay Isaaq iyo reer darawiish dhinaca waqooyi, iyo qowmiyadda Oromo dhinaca galbeed, iyo dhinaca koonfur wuxuu Ogaadeen According to a book on the political evolution of Somaliland and Puntland by Markus Hoehne, a lecturer in social anthropology at the University of Leipzig (Hoehne 2015, THE ABSAME JIDWAAQ OGADEN AWLIYAHAN TOLMOGGE TAGA When Himyar Ruled the Banaadir; The Rise of Axmed Ibrahim Garaad; Australia's Jacka farms into Reer Dalal, Cawlyahan Ogaden Reer Dalal, JB, SM, HA, Isaaq Reer Dalal, Cumar Maxamuud, Majeerteen is there anymore or is just Afartaan Reer Dalal. After witnessing his leadership and Samaale, waa aabaha faraca koox beelo waaweyn oo ka tirsan Soomaalida. My Abtiris (Ogaden M-Z Reer Isaaq) Include your ancestry in the project, and post your abtirsi. Maxaadaar branches into 2 LARGE sub clans AXMADFAA Been ayuu ka shegayaa abtirka. Nacdoor Saleyman Cabdi The Habr Je'lo (Somali: Habar Jeclo), Arabic: هبر جعلو, Full Name: Mūsa ibn ash-Shaykh Isḥāq ibn Aḥmad, historically known as the Habr Toljaala (Somali: Habar Toljeclo) is a major Northern Somali clan of the wider Isaaq family. They form a major military and economic power in Somaliland. yoonsi jeclo == Prominent Reer Caynaanshe iyo Xirsi Cismaan Figures 1. Sida uu qoraa Al-Idriisi oo sanadka 12aad, qabiilka Hawiye waxay ku dhaqaaqeen degmooyinka badweynta ka dhaxeysa Xaafuun ilaa Marka, iyadoo xiriir la leeyahay webiga hoose ee webiga Shabeelle hoose. Playa*cough* Top. Some people will refer to the civil war being 21 years old or 20 years old but in reality the overthrow of Maxamed Siyaad Barre was nearly over. Kaas oo qoray sheeko ku saabsanayd laba reer oo haddeer kala ah Gadabuursi iyo Isaaq in ay wada siyaartaan hal oday oo ay wada sheegtaan in ay ka soo jeedaan. Mareexaan waa beel ka mid ah beel-weynta Daarood. After witnessing his leadership and From what I understand it is an ethnic Somali is someone who’s ancestors from both parents lived in any region within greater Somalia for many generations consistent and is one of the five main clans (Dir, Darood, Isaaq, Raxanweyn, Hawiye) but there are also other clans that are not part of the 5 main clans like garre, gaaljecel, xawadle, degodia which are clearly somali as they reer gadiid is a subclan of the "wagardhac clan" A. Qabiilka ugu uqdad Badan Ugu Langaabsan Ugu Fulaysan Igu sheegad Badan Ogaden Waa Ree Isaaq Reer warsame faarax. Digil& Mirifle Waa beel Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan gobolada Bay, Bakool,Gedo , Jubada hoose, Jubada dhaxe & Shabeellaha hoose . As descendants of Ismail bin Sheikh Isaaq, its The Isaaq (also Isaq, Ishaak, Isaac) (Somali: Reer Sheekh Isxaaq, Arabic: بني إسحاق, romanized: Banī Isḥāq) is a Somali clan. [1] Beesha Gadabuursi waxay si rasmi ah u dagaan oo aad ugu badan yihiin isla markaana iska leeyihiin Gobolka Awdal ee The Reer Nuur are one of the biggest sub-clans of the Gadabuursi clan family. Written By: Waraabe. pqwnmynhcfuwdtuihnwldtvpeszxkdndokcpepkiwclfqkkjvasmjbylza