Useselector not updating component. useSelector() not re-rendering component on update.
Useselector not updating component Reducer code can have no side effects, so you can't call navigation. So how Components connected to Redux via connect or useSelector will only re-render when the relevant slice of state they're subscribed to changes. React hook not updating the state within the hook. Component: const dispatch = useDispatch() const cliente = useSelector(({ erpCliente }) => erpCliente. 24. I have useSelectors to check if my App component is updating. it updates. I need this data to passing to child component as props. react redux useSelector rerender even when data does not change. Follow I'm used to using class Components and not functional components in general and with React Redux I'm trying to code a component that dispatches an action. log(state), I only see the same default state {number:0} all the time despite that there I was looking through the source code for useSelector as part of the react-redux library. I am dispatching an action in my React Native component, but when I try to access the state afterwards with useSelector, it is still just the previous state, not the updated one. I did not want to lard up my interface code (i. 0 Redux useSelect doesn't get updated as expected redux useSelector: component is not reactive to state updates. I have a UI with multiple inputs with values in an object. Everything seems to be working fine on this part. UseSelector returns me undefined. Load 7 more related . but component does not update. getSelectors() to get selectors that accept the same parameters as the original selectors The second part was the issue. dataFromState' does not be updated, yes, because it only capture the previous state for me even though the state gets update already. It runs when the component renders and an action changes the Redux store state. selectedHotel'. Components connected to Redux via connect or useSelector will only re-render when the relevant slice of state they're subscribed to changes. On the other hand, if your slice is the entire state, you can call slice. state or this. There ares some re-formatting the data to pass it down to another component. Only calling setState() or dispatch() will. The data is set correctly but after redirect (through code) to the next page, I could not access the new state using useSelector function. Basic Example of useSelector. useSelector() is showing promise instead of updated value from store import {useSelector} from 'react-redux'; import {selectUsername} from 'store/selectors'; function TopBar { const username = useSelector(selectUsername) return ( <p>username</p> ) } Updating the state with proper action (to update username) will cause a re-render in the Topbar component to get the new username from the store. Never mutate the state in your reducers The reason that your component is re-rendering on every update is because you are fetching the data again and updating it in redux store, Since the reference of data changes, the useSelector function returns you a new value and re-renders the component. This will need to happen in the It turns out the useSelector hook does a double take on the Redux state. You need to invoke it by using JSX syntax, then DrawerContent will have life cycle and you can useSelector there. after dispatching and updating redux store every useSelector renders. You should not really care about that. ; So to wait I have a functional component <Dashboard /> which will display some information from an API. The {devices} variable is always undefined. 0. You can pass a deepEqual comparison function as a second argument to useSelector to avoid re-rendering it Catches:. 0 useSelector doesn't load the state in time. In the React rendering lifecycle, the value attribute on form elements will override the value in the DOM. useSelector and UseEffect with dispatch functions create loop due to not updating state. Component example: Hi, My component is not rendering after useSelector executes and returns the value. We ensure ancestor components are updated before descendants, so that if one of those descendants leaves the tree, they won't try to render that store update (the "zombie child" problem). but it's not! It is should update the state, the initial state is assigned once until the component unmounts. When the useSelector hook does not update as expected, it often leads to components not re-rendering in response to state changes, or returning stale or incorrect data. Both useSelector and connect will cause your component to re-render if you return new references. It will not work in other environments. You are not relying on this. The component is still taking initial state value returned by useSelector. As the docs say, it entirely depends on your state shape. The action of course causes a reducer to update the Redux state (store) as you probably know. FC = => { console. Your useEffect doesn't fire because it depends on selectedNum. If the subscription is incorrect or missing, the component won't update. When an action is dispatched, the state should be updated using the reducer function. Viewed 4k times 3 . activity)" prints the previous state, and in some cases I prefer to access the redux right after the response. This causes multiple issues to include performance issues as well as map popups to flicker as they are constantly re-rendering whenever the mouse is moved. Issue: On the problematic component when it reads the recentResources it does not get an updated version, so let's say I just pressed the button, it created an object, it updates Redux, (Slice bellow) and My database through the APIs, then I have the console log for the state, it shows the updated Redux state, but when I click again and call As @Ying Zuo said, your method works only with Functional Components. My component: I am setting up a very basic react typescript and redux app. pitch, bearing: state. Wrapping the child component's action dispatch in a useEffect solves the issue. This is due to an implementation detail of useSelector. Hence I cannot proceed to my Authenticated route. State not updating with assigned constant with useSelector Yes, the selector will get run twice - once in the Redux subscription callback after the action itself is dispatched (so it runs outside of React), but then potentially again inside the component itself during render. When an action is dispatched, useSelector() will do a reference comparison of the previous selector result value and the current result value. 3. e nested function). state. 1 React-Redux useSelector has trouble passing data. Here is how I've configured my store import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit' import datasetReducer from '. I'll link it here for readability: useSelector constant not updating after dispatch. But the most common reason is that you mutate the state in your reducers. But there are still display the unchanged n in the return, I also use useEffect, if n is changed, renew the component. here are my code links to my github repo incase you want to see the full code of the personal projects I just created, the issue is the update functions is not working properly. In debugger mode: I am trying updating data in dispatch in useEffect, but it shows a warning in console React Hook useEffect has missing dependencies: 'dispatch', 'id', and 'state. What was not obvious to me at the time was that I could gain access with getState. cart value is being updated with the items that are in the cart. getState(). is comparison while checking if a re-render neeeds to happens after a setState. newRevision) useSelector not updating with Redux Toolkit; useSelector state returns undefined; Additionally, because your useSelector() return undefined it could also be the case that there is a typo somewhere with the names of slices / reducers. mainReducer); it doesn't make any sense. log (console. If you console. useSelector() not re-rendering component on Components update when state changes, props change, useSelector returns a different value than last render, useContext returns a different value than last render or some other custom reducer. Also, a bitmask isn't being used - so there goes my first assumption about how useSelector was avoiding re-rendering every component on all state updates. The interesting part is when I do subscribe and try to log store into the console, it works and shows me updated value but I am not able to select it using useSelector Also with the help of Dev tool's i could see the state being changed from INIT to ADD_USER. When I dispatch an action, the store is updated correctly and I can see it and the newVal param gets the new state. The "Shop" input uses it's own callback and successfully updates the state. In this case, it has not re-rendered the component with updated value yet. Not exactlty as you said, I thought I was being clever by doing const thing = useSelector(state => state. useSelector not updating values, and not triggering useEffect but value can be read using store (redux) Hot Network Questions Why Since useEffect runs after the component re-renders while useLayoutEffect runs while the component re-renders. js We see the child component receives the updated value, while the parent component does not after the first update. Yes, I have looked online, and I have been stuck on this issue for a full day. my I am using redux along with react-redux and unable to use the useSelector() function to access the updated value. But still not work. I don't know the reason behind this and how to resolve it. Here are the expected inputs and outputs for the function and store: INPUTS AND EXPECTED OUTPUTS Updating a variable like that is the wrong approach. Your selectNumberHandler might alter selectedNum, but your component doesn't know that, because selectedNum is not a state variable in the component. useSelector not updating values, and not triggering useEffect but value can be read using store (redux) 2. If I did something like this: Redux state The onClick event on the button element fires as I can see the value in the console (in the reducer file). 2. Note: It is essential to understand that useSelector is a component of React Redux. 4 and I think that is the most updated version. – Max Smolens. I have a method which would use the value from useSelector and another dispatch which would update my value from the useSelector, however, it seems the value does not get updated after dispatch, for . The solution for their issue was to update React-Redux. Your useSelector is subscribing to the value in the store, but its value is not updated at all. However, developers often encounter a common hurdle: redux useselector not updating as expected. I'm looking for a way to get the React select component to reload when a true value is returned from the useSelector hook, and preferably whenever that value changes. Unfortunately this might not work as when the component did mount, I'm trying to create a pie chart by making changes to my variable using Redux on React-Native, but even if the dispatch operation is successful in my variable, when I use useSelector, there is a one-time change. What you seem to be trying to do is update the selectedNum variable. Using the terminal to test my dispatched actions, Redux-logger shows that my state is being correctly updated. Value change means a different value, so a different primitive value or a different reference. Custom hook's state does not update across all components? 0. Share. I have version 8. When the store state changes, useSelector re-runs the selector function and returns the new value. useSelector() not re-rendering component on update. You do not exactly need a re-render to happen for accessing the latest state from your store. I know two ways of testing these: 1) I can mock the store using redux-mock-store and then wrap this component under provider component. I am trying to use the state value in a component with useSelector() but it is showing promise instead of updated value. But I don't see where you're dispatching that update to the store. you can see effect (from store change) with slightly changed component Here the isAuthenticated value which is fetched with useSelector is not updated instantaneously or in real-time when the state is changed. I used useSelector() to retrieve state then use it in my component. Modified 2 years, 6 months ago. Hot Network Questions Thank you @lawrence-witt, your comments help to understand a lot more. Prerequisites Before proceeding, make sure you have the React - useSelector not updated after dispatch. Instead, you should use connect to map the application state to component props. Your state is one update behind, because you're trying to fetch values from useSelector right after your dispatch calls. Here's my location slice: import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit' const initialState = { location: { id: null, name: null, latitude: null, longitude: null } } const locationSlice = createSlice({ name I have a value in my redux store and a component subscribed to that value via useSelector. a) taken directly from redux docs: const counter = useSelector(state => state. In React useEffect does not update after the value has changed from other component. some. – issue with update functions. useSelector not updating with Redux Toolkit. It is called in render_user() in render() (i. Login. By definition, callbacks defined in the body of a function component can only access state, props, and values that existed when the callback was created at the time the component rendered. access redux state inside event listener I am creating a login and in the . Using useSelector in React Function Component. as you can see I have list of tracks there it is not updating. Redux useSelect doesn't get updated as expected. Hot Network Questions It's likely because your state. You should change it to select only the data the Header component needs: const hidden = useSelector(state => state. I need to pass an empty array as the second argument for this hook or it will run forever, as the state updates every time it's called. log works fine inside the modal too – Lokesh Bajracharya. counter) update. If you're dispatching an action, it's impossible for that code to access the new Redux state (or even React state) on the next line. useSelector not updating even after dispatch. But what does mutate the state mean? And why can it cause bugs? gameStart() is being passed via props to cells, a child component, and called there via the useEffect() hook. selectors property. Stack Overflow. To solve this problem: Instead of this line: const counter = useSelector(state => state. If the value it returns is different to the value returned last time an action was dispatched, the component will re-render. All the selectors that depends on them are going to be executed. 2 and useSelector is not updating my subscribed components rerender on dispatch. I suspect the reason why the code above isn't throwing React hooks warnings is due to the fact that the useSelector function is still called each render cycle (so it's not breaking the being conditionally called rule) and the result of subsequent calls is ignored. useSelector is not working, redux in react. useSelector doesn't load the state in time. js. "Until next render" is an incredibly short amount of time here and will often even happen synchonically. "console. Another reason why the component may not update is that the state is not being updated correctly. Skip to main content. I do see though, that when I listen to changes in my redux state within a useEffect that it will trigger the callback, meaning it is aware that the redux state has changed but the component is not rerendering. useSelector provides several benefits over traditional React Redux approaches: Decoupling. It seems like the store value is updated but it is only available in only one component (from which use dispatch is called) this is where it works, The defaultIndex prop is:. The problem is the update to the internal state of the descendant connected component is being batched at the same time as the ancestor connected component Never do useState(useSelector()); It does not do what you expect. 2) I'm building out an application in react 17. PanelContainer. 0 useSelector not updating even after dispatch. The idea is to returns a new reference of the array and not mutate the original array. but as you can see in App. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 7 months ago. If they are different, the component will be forced to re-render. hi i have a cart slice and when i push objects to it with disptach state gets updated but when mapping it in the cart component to display it as a list it doesnt get updated ! m a noobie forgive me if m doing smth stupid! cart I know there are already a couple of questions similar to this, but none of the solutions provided are working for me. 1. useSelector is defined after dispatching but then undefined. 0 useSelector not firing after change in redux store The problem. Home screen: React state is only ever initialized once when mounting the component. useSelector with useDispatch causing infinite loop. counter }); component with useSelector get re-rendered even though state return by useSelector is not updated, this was not case with using connect If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem. This happens because React uses Object. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance. Redux useSelector not updated, need to be refresh. It will cause the game component to rerender which also creates new functions with the updated values When dispatch is called, it works fine and updating the value in the component. log('im at App') const currentUser = useSelector((state Although it is not recommended, you can use store directly in your component, even in the useEffect. As a side note, you should never write useSelector(state => state) - that will always cause the From the useStore docs, it states that the hook shouldn't be used in an app because it doesn't cause the component to re-render: // EXAMPLE ONLY! Do not do this in a real app. map statement directly from useSelector. there should be a simple state transformation (subselection) const a = useSelector(state => state. and if I make any changes to code because of that the component re-render I can see the new state I ran into a similar problem, but I was using react-redux with hooks. Hot Network Questions In the era where Mad Men is set, are smoke alarms not triggered by cigarette smoke? I'm new to react and when I'm updating my state in redux, I'm no able to see my state updated in my component inside a setInterval, despite the state in redux is updated correctly (according to a chrome redux plugin); in the useEffect in my App component, when console. Let's take a simple example to illustrate how useSelector works. Below are my components files and reducers. So, the edited code would look like: remove the facets param within the component because I won't need it anymore I'm trying to get my component load data before rendering, so I use componentWillMount to dispatch my getTransaction() action and the resulting success (i put redux-logger as middleware to know success or failure). . What happens, though, is that the store state is updated, but the component not. 1 React - useSelector not updated after dispatch. Improve this answer. That would mean that you are navigating wrong (not using the components or methods provided by react-router), and that's what I'd be looking for. Here's the code, and apologies if I'm being stupid it's been a long day :( How to access redux's store state variable in a functional component using useSelector? 2. Instead, you should be using useSelector instead. React - updated state observed with useSelector() doesn't render new components. Long story short I've got a react + redux application with basic logic: <App /> is the main component in which useEffect with no deps is firing requests for the required data (user info, etc) React hook state - does not update component. however when I dipatch to the store adding a new article the ui doesn't change, I checked redux dev tools and the store is updated, I read that useSelector automatically subscribes to store so I'm not sure why I'm having this problem. And still the component is not updating. 4. // The component will not automatically update if the store state changes. /slices/invoiceSlice'; import authReducer from '. 7. First, it won't cause a component to re-render. The local state is initialized after all. We see the child component receives the updated value, while the parent component does not after the first update. you are calling useSelector twice, and this does not matter. EDIT: since the above doesn't seem to be the issue, I think the issue is that you're calling navigation functions from within your reducer. The parent component's useSelector instance doesn't invoke the selector function and just returns the cached value. store/sliceOne. This article delves into understanding the useSelector hook, diagnosing common issues, and implementing best practices for debugging and On debug I checked that the state was really changed. When the function component renders, the provided selector function will be called and its result will be returned from the useSelector() hook. import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import Select from 'react-select'; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { getSelectOptions, getOptions Benefits of useSelector. useSelector() is not called in top-level. This makes your components more modular and reusable Since you are mutating the array and setting the state with the same reference of the array, react chooses to not re-render the component. 16 useSelector() not re-rendering component on update. Why does my Using my debugger, I can see that my state is definitely updated with the correct data, but the child component doesn't pick this up. Selector functions take the entire store state as an argument, and return a value based on that state; useSelector calls its selector function and returns the result from the selector; useSelector subscribes to the store, and re-runs the selector each time an action is dispatched. /datasets' export The useSelector hook lets React components read data from the store. e. There are two reasons why the console. The component does not re-render if the store is updated to its I'm new to React Hooks. navigate() from within the reducer. My path was to put the app's You can't update and log the updated value of any state variable in the same render; component will have to re-render to reflect changes due to state update. However, the view is not updating. But when all the actions are dispatched and the state is updated, useSelector does not re-render my component so it displays the previous patient's information until i manually refresh the page. import { UPDATE_EMAIL } from ". Practical Use Cases The first problem is that your reducer is mutating the existing state, and you can never mutate state in a Redux app. I was chaining a . /slices/authSlice'; export const store = configureStore({ reducer: { invoices: invoicesReducer, auth: authReducer, }, }); There are two components, I expected them to have same effect!However, they are not! For the first code, I have a var n, and I increace the n using useSelector from redux, I can see the n is cahnged when the selector is working. ; Even if fetchStream is synchronous, it will still not output the updated value, because React itself needs time to re-render. Share Add a Comment. The backend returns posts based on the feeds that the user is subscribed to. Commented Oct 9, 2020 at 17:52. At the same time however, the Redux store IS updated, and I can see the state change every time via the Redux Dev Tools. Once you submit this input it creates a message on the back-end, which updates a redux store. javascript I have a simple App Component as below import { useSelector, shallowEqual } from 'react-redux'; const App: React. But this situation shouldn't take place anyways because eslint or typescript won't let you keep the unused variable. But the component is not updating. js useSelector function is not updating the state of after dispatch function -react hooks. If you do need to access the new @tkrafael other than being nothing to do with the issue at hand:. According to the official doc: Because of the React update batching behavior used in React Redux v7, a dispatched action that causes multiple react / redux toolkit useSelector not updating when store state changed. (so with returning the component directly instead of setting a state), but the variables returned from useSelector do not seem to change when the state is updated. On that note, how you have your codesandbox example I'm using redux toolkit to manage state and am finding that the components are not updating when changes are made to the state. On debug I checked that the state was really changed. addresses, you can use the slice. useSelector() is part of a class component, Navigationbar; You can extract a component to follow the rules of hooks and make use of useSelector: useSelector creates a subscription to the Redux store. I am trying to add an equalityFn to avoid getting values/re-render the page unnecessarily. 4 redux useSelector: component is not reactive to state updates. I am using react-testing-library to test this component. map(). then function, setting the state of user. With an uncontrolled component, you often want React to specify the initial value, but leave We will walk through the steps of setting up Redux, creating a store, and connecting it to your React components using the useSelector hook. 0 Redux - useSelector returns state as undefined. I've looked at the SO answers regarding component not re-rendering, a majority of the responses claim that the state is being mutated; as a result, Redux won't However, for some reason, any component that is subscribed to focusedPosition updates re-render on mouse movement -- even though it is not subscribed to mouseCoords. These symptoms can significantly hinder the responsiveness and accuracy of your application, leading to As OP stated in a comment: the initialState variable is updated when the API call get completed,I'm passing that initialState variable to const [values, setValues] = useState(initialState);, so it should update the values variable right?. 0. There are many reasons why things could have gone wrong here. I followed the documentation so I don't know why that didn't worked Slice Redux useSelector not updated, need to be refresh. cliente) const { form, handleChange, setForm } = useForm(null) //This call the action and change the store on reducer. The first at the beginning of App component and the second one at App return part. But the "Product" inputs never update the state. AudioCurrentTimeState not by useSelector and I need to trigger the useEffect for this. So my question is: how is useSelector only partially subscribing to the store context and avoiding re-rendering every connected component? (The more detailed the answer the better!) I am using react-redux with @reduxjs/toolkit for global state management and in my store I have sliceOne with initial state and reducer. React custom hook state change not triggering re-render. The problem is my redux store is not getting an update. For someone who checked they did everything right, that is: either using Redux Toolkit and mutating state or regular Redux and not mutating the state, having the store correctly configured, checking in Redux Dev Tools to see that the data is indeed updated there, and noticing that the component where the useSelector hook is used seems to have old data, Why doesn’t my React component update after the action is dispatched? You have done everything right! You know that. /actions/cred"; const initialState = { Redux Toolkit useSelector not updating state in React component. If the specific state you select changes, it ensures your component re-renders with the updated state. Fixing this useSelector(state => state. useEffect Hook in React causing infinite loops. Simplified Syntax: The hooks provide a more concise and cleaner syntax compared to traditional useSelector not updating with Redux Toolkit. I need fetch data using the redux hook useSelector in my react functional component but the data isn't quickly ready so it seems that useSelector will return an e I have a state which is an array of objects and I am trying to get those values in a component using useSelector. The problem is, when the user adds or removes a feed, the Newsfeed component does not rerender, and requires a page reload to show the updated feed. Your React component receives the new value and re-renders with the updated state. It save "Undefined" instead of the text I put inside the input element for text update React - useSelector not updated after dispatch. I am using Redux Toolkit and dispatch() to update state in my game, but after that update, which is being successfully sent to Redux store (checked with devtools), changes are not being registered in the useSelector variable. If they are the same, the component will not re-render. But the value is an empty array (may be initial state) in other components, when I tried to use it. Start your application using the following command. subscribe in Redux? Or if another component changes that piece of That variable will never be updated - useSelector triggers a component update and in the next render, there will be a new user variable with the correct content - but your payment_success closure still points at the old user variable. The initial index of the selected tab (in uncontrolled mode) See Controlled and uncontrolled components and Default Values doc:. Hot Network Questions I'm very new with redux / toolkit. Also, you should be using our official Redux I can tell (through a log statement) that my action is being called and the state is getting set, but my useSelector on the state never updates. Since I am using the state variable game in my component's template and for the other methods in this component instead of the props directly, I mixed up both concepts (props and state variables) and was expecting the component to re-render automatically upon change, which it clearly couldn't since inner state changes are not tracked But as you can see from above I can only get the value of AudioCurrentTimeState if I call it by store. App. If the state is not being updated correctly, the useSelector hook will not detect the change and will not re-render the component. You don't need to wrap your components with connect or use ReactRedux to connect to the store. js whenever I click on button and update the state. Output: Output Advantages of useSelector and useDispatch. First, you have to export store from where it is created. I have a basic App component that renders a controlled text input. log didn't output the updated value. This article delves into understanding the useSelector hook, diagnosing common issues, and implementing best practices for debugging and I was reading through a few posts, but I can't seem to find the right way to approach my issue. counter); You define the counter state like this: const mapStateToProps = state => ({ counter: state. React - useSelector not updated after dispatch. 16. useSelector not firing after change in redux store. Updating component state inside of useEffect. Another way you could see that the useSelector is working fine and updating and that your MyPages. How do i can retrieve those properties by using useSelector() hook to get the same result as the mapStateToProps without writing multiple useSelector()? I tried const mapbox = useSelector(state => { return { pitch: state. Sort by: Best In other words setting the state won't change the game component halfway through it's render. It worked for the devtools, I can see it activated now, anyhow, the state does not update still, now it only sets to the default state on the first render and when it changes it switches to undefined – Gotey. I expected the component to first get into useEffect, execute the getData function and then display {devices} on the screen. The reducer is providing a new value for the data slice. If the selectors that depend on globalFilters are in child components of the components that use selectors that depend on anything in the data slice they will also be re-executed (the parent rerender causes a re-registering of new useSelectors Equality Comparisons and Updates . redux useSelector: component is not reactive to state updates. The useSelector function from 'react-redux' is undefined in my react application, even though the versions are up to date, and there are no errors in VS Code (I can even ctrl-click in and see the t React - useSelector not updated after dispatch. (A cached result may be returned by the hook without re-running the selector if it's the same function reference as on a previous render of the component. import { createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit"; const I didn't think I could access the state within my slice because React would not allow me to use useSelector within the slice for obvious reasons. If your slice is located at its name, i. I dispatch action in that component. react redux useselector causing rerender. log(props. However, my component is not re-rendering as a result of the state change. I've tried it with shallowEqual as well, but that shouldn't be needed, since Redux Toolkit uses Immer and the object shouldn't pass an equality check after updating (most of the other similar issues I the state updates, the component is a bootstrap modal so when i close and reopen, the UI renders correctly and console. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 2 months ago. Your component is only going to re-render if its state or props are changed. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening in functional components and not in class components? The map function I use below is only a simplified version. uncommented, the action seems to be dispatched properly, the reducer appears to function, the redux store seems to be updating as expected - but the component isn't re-rendering. Here is my React component: update: I used getStore to get the current store and accessed it before and after the call to dispatch and I can see where the variable in the store is getting updated and changing. I updated my code to remove StrictMode and use React 17. The dispatch calls are asynchronous (but there is no promise to "await" them by default), so your state is not guaranteed to be up-to-date by the My problem here is, when I get the response after "then" the redux does not get immediately updated, only afterwards. My issue is when I tried to add a useEffect hook to reset the input value after a new message was added. useSelector allows you to decouple your React components from the Redux store. Example: Add to Cart Action Just to lay the groundwork: upon an action being dispatched, the selector you pass to useSelector() will be called. 23 react redux useSelector rerender even when data does not change. Reducer Imported the action inside the reducer Initialised state Called reducer and initialised the state as initial state Added a conditional statement which updates the initial state. ) component. Since the component has had the redux state updated on each render (by dispatching the action in the effect), and updating the redux state causes the component to be rendered again, you have a loop. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 6 months ago. Just tested it, so it turned out that the component will eventually re-render even if the value taken from store is not used in the component. react-router-util but thinking it might be causing problems I switched to the traditional way of wrapping router in a component way and it still didn't The whole point of useSelector is to update your component as soon as that state changes so you always render the most up-to-date state contents. npm start. Similarly, if you want to call a function with the updated value of selected , call the function from inside the useEffect hook. So the component rerenders and makes a new call to dispatch, which updates the state and since one of the dependancies inside useEffect is an object, it's impossible to make an update that will tell useEffect to "stop rerendering". When I dispatch my populateDatasets action I can see that my store gets updated just fine in dev tools, but when I try to to access that state in a React component with useSelector it always returns undefined. I can update the redux store using hooks I built into buttons, but the useSelector() hook in useEffect() returns the default redux store value while a useSelector() hook in a separate component outside useEffect returns the updated value. Maybe the component re renders because the parent is re rendered and your component is not pure, maybe the component is re rendered because parent is passing in different props. How to use useSelector on page refresh. The component's total execution is reduced, but the useSelector is still triggered multiple times (I updated the question with more information at the end). js file: To debug this, first verify that your component renders as expected with a nonempty initial state. , react components) with lots of code dedicated to retrieving/sending information from/to the store. EDIT: Nvm I was missing return statements. Do you know why? The useSelector hook is for use inside of a function component. The issue I'm facing is that when connectWithkey() runs, it's using the initial, empty value of the private key, not the updated value. I was wondering if useSelector automatically unsubscribes components from redux store updates when the component unmounts, similar to using the unsubscribe function returned by calling store. cart After changing state by useDispatch, components not updating by useSelector. Rather, I wanted functions with generic names to retrieve and update the data. I don't know if that's the whole story, but for now I've re-implemented WithAuth to accept a rendered element rather useSelector not updating with Redux Toolkit. import invoiceReducer from '. Commented Feb 26, 2021 at 10:20. useSelector not updating even React Native useSelector not updating state in Container. bearing } }) I've created the reducer and using it to change the state of my store. array). I am able to see the value inside my component using console log but the component itself is not updating when useSelector returns changed value . Because your fetchStream action creator is an asynchronous. log("Got isAuth", isAuthenticated);) inside the useEffect hook you will see that the first log will be Got isAuth false and the second Got isAuth true. Third, your callback has "closed over" the value of newPageNo at the time the function was defined, and can't see Redux useSelector not updated, need to be refresh. I can see it in console. State not updating with assigned constant with useSelector in react-redux. You should never mutate the state in your reducers. Is there any API which makes testing these components easier for us. Here is a Codesandbox. As a result, DrawerContent will not have life cycle or state, it's just a normal function, return stuff. tsx: const newRevision = useSelector((state: RootState) => state. You see that the action is dispatched successfully. You're calling DrawerContent like a normal function, not using it as a tag. MapBoxReducer. I create the UI with a loop, so I would like to have a single callback for the updating the inputs. How to change an object in React-redux state using a Hook. But it will never update the state once the return value from useSelector changes. Even if my next dispatch operation is successful, useSelector does not refresh the data and I cannot see it on the screen. React-redux `useSelector` complains about Invalid Hook call. props, but rather fetching the state of the store directly within your render function. useState is initialized once with the argument you put into it - so at first render, it will "capture" the value the selector returns at that point in time. 1 React - useSelector not updated after dispatch . Subscription to Redux Store: Make sure your components are properly subscribed to the Redux store. useSelector forces a re-render whenever the returned reference changes, so Header is re-rendering whenever any cart data changes. You'd need to show your useSelector for me to give a more specific answer as to what's going on. tsx is seeing that update is useEffect to log the change whenever it changes. Second, that variable only exists inside the scope of the component at the last time it rendered, so it's not useful across renders. What is the work-around for this? Your useSelector is subscribing to the value in the store, but its value is not updated at all. Although, this adds even more confusion for why the component is not updating. The useSelector hook from react-redux doesn’t have this issue — components only re-render when their selected piece of state changes, even when other slices of the store are updated. qqyvlkzywesufcyhuxbbuxkkyocjhuwqmyudaumubglnosev