Ketu in gemini astro pankaj According to Phaldipika Gulika is most malific upgrah among another. He may be brave & charitable by nature. If Ketu is badly afflicted then it may cause for divorce or death of wife depending on horoscope. Apart from this Mars is lagna lord of Kalpurush chart and it Mars and Ketu Conjunction in 1st house . Mars and Saturn Conjunction in 4th house 1)Before knowing the effect of Mars and Saturn Conjunction in 4th house we have to know about Mars in 4th house, Saturn in 4th house and Mars and Saturn conjunction. He may be natural fighter. If Ketu is well placed or aspects by [] Sun and Ketu Conjunction in 11th house. 1)Before knowing the effect of Sun and Ketu Conjunction in 4th house we have to know about Sun in 4th house, Ketu in 4th house and Sun and Ketu conjunction. 2)Ketu in 6th house may consider best By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 6th house / 6th house, astrology, ketu, ketu in 6th house, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different Saturn & Ketu conjunction in 8th house may cause serious health issues. Before knowing the effect of Jupiter & Ketu conjunction in 8 th house we have to know about effect of. He may try to prove his By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet In 3rd House / 3rd house, astrology, planet in 3rd house, Saturn, Saturn & Ketu conjunction in 3rd house may cause disturbed professional life. This is not consider good regarding mental stage of native. 2) Native may be handsome and smart in looking. He may be sharp minded and expert in calculations. Native may be lean [] Jupiter & Ketu conjunction in the 6th house gives natural interest towards occults or tantra. 1)Before knowing the effect of Mars and Ketu conjunction in 5th house we have to know Mars in 5th house, Ketu in 5th house and Mars and Ketu conjunction. Apart from this, Saturn & Ketu in 8 th house is cause for Pitru dosha. He may suffer from financial fraud or cheating by his partner or dear or near one. Native Sun and Ketu conjunction in 1st house 1) By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 1st house, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, ketu, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different sign (12) kundali, astrology (14) Lagan (16) 7 th house is house of Marriage. 1) Before knowing the effect of Moon and Ketu Conjunction In 7th house we have to know about effect of Moon in 7th house, Ketu in 7th house and Moon and Ketu conjunction. 2) Native may be handsome and charming by look. 1)Before knowing the effect of Moon and Ketu conjunction in 3rd house we have to know about Moon in 3rd house, Ketu in 3rd house and Moon and Ketu conjunction. 2) Moon and Ketu conjunction in 11th house is indicating native may be looking attractive [] Sun and Ketu Conjunction in 2nd house. He may suffer from fever or neurological issues. He may be [] Mars and Ketu Conjunction in 5th house 1)Before knowing the effect of Mars and Ketu conjunction in 5th house we have to know Mars in 5th house, Ketu in By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet In 5th House, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different sign Mercury in 9th house 1)Before knowing the effect of Mercury in 9th house we have to know about Mercury and 9th house. So in general way Mercury in 7th house is not considered good. Native may communicate in harsh ways. 3)Mercury in 7th house [] Sun And Ketu Conjunction in 6th house. His calculating ability may give success as a debugger or psychological field. 1) Before knowing the effect of Sun and Ketu conjunction in 1st house we have to know about Sun in 1st house, Ketu in 1st house and Sun and Ketu conjunction. Native may be spiritual by nature. 2)In general way malefic in dussthan may give good results for native. If Jupiter is placed [] Saturn with Ketu conjunction in 4th house may cause a lack of domestic & materialistic happiness. 2)Lord Of Rashi — Gemini(Mithun) and Virgo(Kanya) 3)Full Aspects 7th from own Position 4)Mercury get excellent @ 15 degree Virgo(Kanya) 5)Mercury get Debilitation @ 15 degree Pisces(Meen) rashi 6)Mooltrikona Rashi of Mercury falls in Virgo 16 to 20 degree after than its own [] Effect Of Saturn and Ketu Conjunction 1) Saturn and ketu conjunction is consider very bad yoga. Moon belongs to Mind, Emotions, Respect, kindness, fickle. Scorpion is own rasi 6)Friend ship–It is consider same [] Saturn with Ketu conjunction in 4th house may cause a lack of domestic & materialistic happiness. 2)3rd house belongs to younger siblings and it’s lord placed in 2nd house of wealth which may cause native may lives on Effect of Moon and Ketu conjunction in 3rd house . Rahu In Gemini Sign 1) Before knowing the effect of Rahu in Gemini Sign first we have to know about Rahu and Gemini Sign. His marriage life may be disturbed. He has wicked mentality. He may be good orator. 2)Second house belongs speech, family, wealth, face, eyes and food. 3)10th house is our karam sthan and Sun in 10th Effect of Moon and Ketu Conjunction In 10th house 1) Before knowing the effect of Moon and Ketu Conjunction in 10th house we have to know about Moon in By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 10th house, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, ketu, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different What is the effect of Mercury & Ketu Conjunction in 1st house as per Vedic Astrology. Ketu’s position is calculated at the moon’s South node, or the point where the moon’s southward path crosses the earth’s ecliptic. Mars and Ketu conjunction in 6th house . 2)8th house belongs to Ayu (Life span) By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 8th house / 8th house, astrology, ketu, ketu in Ketu In Fourth House 1)Before Knowing effect of Ketu In 4th house first we have to know about ketu and 4th house. Gemini Ascendant (14) House (14) Karma theory (1) Leo Ascendant (14) Libra Ascendant (14) By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 7th house / 7th house, astrology, Jupiter, Saturn with Ketu conjunction in 7th house may be strongest Marak for native. By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 8th house, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different sign (12) 5)Ketu in 7th house may cause for unhappiness in marriage life. Ketu in Gemini — Learn the basic traits of a person who has Ketu in Gemini in their horoscope and its impact in all the 12 houses. Gemini Ascendant (14) House (14) Karma theory (1) Leo Ascendant (14) Libra Ascendant (14) Marriage (5) nakshatra (34) Numerology (61) Panchang (1) Phaldepika Chapter 15 (1) Powered by Astro Pankaj When Saturn & Ketu are associated in 8 th house, he has always danger from Tantra Prayoga. According to Parasara Gulika and Mandi is same. Native may be looking attractive and [] Mercury In Tenth House 1)Before knowing the effect of Mercury in 10th house we have to know about Mercury and 10th house. 1)Before knowing the effect of Sun and Ketu conjunction in 2nd house we have to know about Sun in 2nd house, Ketu in 2nd house and Sun and Ketu conjunction. 2)9th house belongs to father and Ketu is natural malefic so Ketu in 9th house may cause for Arist (bad regarding health) for father. Native may have disturbed married life. He may be ambitious. Book Personal Consultancy @ 2100 Mode of Consultancy @ Office or your home. Ketu In 1st House 1) Before knowing the effect of Ketu in 1st house we have to know about Ketu and 1st house. He has good spiritual progress & disturbed marriage relationship. Jupiter in 8 th house; Gemini Ascendant (14) House (14) Karma theory (1) Leo Ascendant (14) Libra Ascendant (14) Marriage (5) Powered by Astro Pankaj Seth. It will play a massive role in your physical and mental wellness. He may be very active. He may be interested in occult. As Aquarius Sign is 11th house of kalpurush and ketu is placed here so you may read Ketu in 11th house. 2) Native may be brave and courageous by nature. 2) Native may be intelligent and well mannered person. [] 1)Before knowing effect of Ketu in 3rd house we have to know about ketu and 3rd house. Effect of 3rd house lord in 2nd house. 3)Moon in 4th house get full digbal. 1)Before knowing the effect of Moon in 4th house first we have to Know about Moon and 4th house. Ketu In Aquarius Sign . By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 12th house, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, ketu, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different sign (12) Sun and Mercury Conjunction in 4th house 1)Before knowing the effect of Sun and Mercury Conjunction in 4th house we have to know about Sun in 4th house, Mercury in 4th house and Sun and Mercury conjunction. 1)Before knowing the effect of Mars and Ketu conjunction in 3rd house we have to know about Mars in 3rd house, Ketu in 3rd house and Mars and Ketu conjunction. 2) Native may be knowledgeable person. He may be angry young man. Native [] Moon and Jupiter Conjunction in 11th house 1)Before knowing the effect of Moon and Jupiter conjunction in 11th house we have to know about Moon in 11th house, Jupiter in 11th house and Moon and Jupiter conjunction. Bhirgu Naadi Saturn & Ketu conjunction in 12th house is considered worst for native. Mars and Ketu Conjunction in 12th house 1)Before knowing the effect of Mars and Ketu conjunction in 12th house we have to know Mars in 12th house and Ketu By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 12th house, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 12th house / 12th house, astrology, planet in 12th house, Saturn, Venus & Ketu conjunction in 12th house may cause financial issues. When Jupiter conjuncts with Ketu in 7 th house native may has lack of marriage happiness. 3)6th Rahu In Second House 1)Before knowing the effect of Rahu in 2nd house first we have to know about Rahu and 2nd house. By Astro Pankaj Seth / Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, ketu, moon, Moon and Ketu conjunction, Hi, I have moon and ketu conjunction in my 12th house in gemini sign. Mercury(Budh) 1)Prince Of Planet in royal court of planet. He may be intelligent and skilled. His diplomatic nature makes him popular. Ashwani Nakshatra starts from 0 to 13°20′ in Aries Sign. Native may be reddish in look and having fair colour. 1)Before knowing the effect of Sun and Ketu Conjunction in 11th house we have to know about Sun in 11th house, Ketu in 11th house and Sun and Ketu conjunction. 2)10th house belongs to our professional life. 2)Jupiter in 7th house is consider good regarding lagna and life span Matter. 1)Before knowing the effect of Mars and Ketu conjunction in 6th house we have to know about Mars in 6th house, Ketu in 6th house and Mars and Ketu conjunction. His mother’s health may be weak & native has lack of mental peace. Like Rahu, Ketu is not included in the practice of Western astrology. He may earn through base [] Ketu In 5th House 1)Before Knowing the effect of Ketu in 5th house first we have to know about Ketu and 5th house. Sun In 7th House In Sagittarius Sign For Gemini Ascendant . Shara Yoga Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Powered by Astro Pankaj Seth. 2) Moon and Ketu conjunction in 5th house is consider as Grahan dosha which may cause for Putra dosha in the horoscope. He has all sorts of comfort & happiness. Menu. Gemini Ascendant (14) House (14) Karma theory (1) Leo Ascendant (14) Libra Ascendant (14) Marriage (5) nakshatra (34) Numerology (61) Panchang (1) Powered by Astro Pankaj Seth. Venus In 12th house 1)Before knowing the effect of Venus in 12th house first we have to know about Venus and 12th house. He may be full with ego and proudness. Gemini Ascendant (14) House (14) Karma theory (1) Leo Ascendant (14) Libra Ascendant (14) Marriage (5) nakshatra (28) Numerology (61) Panchang (1) Phaldepika Chapter 15 (1) Powered by Astro Pankaj Seth. He has a very deep understanding of liberation or Moksha. So, it is very clear that Nabhasa yoga is formed with visible planets only (not by Rahu & Ketu). 2)Venus in 9th house is consider very auspicious for Native. 1) Before knowing the effect of Sun in 7th house for Gemini ascendant we have to know about Sun and 7th house and Gemini ascendant. He may be interested in gaining knowledge about occults, astrology, meditation, tantra, and spirituality. Native has forced to leave his home town. He may be energetic and aggressive by nature. Mars and Saturn Conjunction in 1st house 1)Before knowing the effect of Mars and Saturn conjunction in 1st house we have to know about Mars in 1st house, Saturn in 1st house and Mars and Saturn conjunction. 2) Generally 3rd house belongs to Strength, Younger siblings, Short travel, communication. Astro Pankaj Seth JUST THE BEST Book your Consultancy @ 1100 Mode of Consultation over Phone or Whatsapp. But some other says it is different. Native may have Before knowing the effect of Venus & Ketu conjunction in 3 rd house we have to know about effect of. Moon and Venus conjunction in 2nd house 1)Before knowing the effect of Moon and Venus Conjunction in 2nd house we have to know about Moon in 2nd house, venus in 2nd house and Moon and Venus conjunction. He may has less hair. Gemini Sign or Mithun Rashi – All about 3rd Zodiac sign; Recent comments. 1)Before knowing the effect of Mars and Ketu conjunction in 1st house we have to know about Mars in 1st house, Ketu in 1st house and Mars and Ketu conjunction. 2) Now let’s we know from different classical book regarding Rahu in Gemini Sign. He may be energetic in nature. Native may be fatty by look. Native may has natural charm. 2) Native may be reddish and unfair in color and having average in height. 2)Native may be brave and adventurous by nature. Ketu In Gemini Sign. Native may be looking tall and having reddish by color. He may be full with false ego. So, conjunction of Saturn & Ketu in 1 st house may have an adverse effect on the lifespan of native. 2) Native may thin and lean physique. Sun and Ketu conjunction in 3rd house 1)Before knowing the effect of Sun and Ketu conjunction in 3rd house we have to know about Sun in 3rd house, Ketu in By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet In 3rd House, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, ketu, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in Sun and Ketu Conjunction in 4th house. He has good physical and mental strength. 1)Before knowing the effect of Mars and Ketu conjunction in 9th house we have to know about Mars in 9th house, Ketu in 9th house and Mars and Ketu conjunction. Native may be very energetic. He may be brave in doing sinful acts. 1)Before knowing the effect of Ketu in Gemini Sign first we have to know about Ketu and Gemini Sign. It is consider Gulika is very malific in nature Just like Saturn. 2)Mercury in 7th house doesn’t has digbal (directional strength) so it is consider ast in 7th house. Even Saturn & Ketu are enemies of each other so Effect of Moon and Ketu conjunction in 3rd house 1) By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet In 3rd House, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different sign (12) kundali, astrology (14) By Astro Pankaj Seth / planet in 9th house / 9th house, astrology, planet in 9th house, Saturn, Saturn & Ketu conjunction in 9th house may cause unstable career, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Venus & Ketu conjunction in 1st house may cause a financial crisis. Native has relation with bad Mars and Ketu conjunction in 11th house. Saturn & Ketu conjunction in 12th house is considered worst for native. Effect of Moon and Rahu Conjunction 1) Moon and Rahu conjunction is known as Grahan Yoga. Saturn in 2 nd house; Ketu in 2 nd house; Saturn & Ketu conjunction; Saturn & Ketu conjunction in 2 nd house may be considered as Sun In Tenth House 1)Before knowing the effect of Sun in 10th house first we have to know about Sun and 10th house. You may be anxious and mig 1)Before knowing the effect Of Ketu in 8th house first we have to know about Ketu and 8th house. Such native can earn via occults or yantra. He may be religious and have disputes in his parental property. Ketu in 9th house doesn’t good regarding relation between [] Jupiter in 7th house 1)Before knowing the effect of Jupiter in 7th house first we have to know about Jupiter and 7th house. 2) Native may be philosopher by attitude. 2)10th house belongs to our professional By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 10th house / 10th house, astrology, ketu, ketu in 10th house. 2)As 12th house belongs to eyes so when ketu is occupying 12th house, native may has eye sights related problems or any eye disease. So, Moon and Ketu conjunction in 4th house is not consider good for native. 6)Ketu in 7th house may cause for disfame or native may suffering from humiliation. Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Jupiter In Eleventh House 1)Before knowing the effect of Jupiter in 11th house first we have to know about Jupiter and 11th house. Native may be able to decode real meaning of any religious rituals. 1)Before knowing the effect of Moon and Ketu conjunction in 5th house we have to know about Moon in 5th house, Ketu in 5th house and Moon and Ketu conjunction. Native may have disturbed family life. 2)8th house belongs to Ayu (Life span) as ketu is Paap grah Jupiter with Ketu conjunction in 11th house can make him rich & wealthy. He may be spiritual from mind and interested in spirituality. Only a minor effect on kaam matter. By Astro Pankaj Seth / Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, ketu, sun, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Saturn & Ketu conjunction in 11th house may cause pitru dosha. Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different sign (12) Before knowing the effect of Saturn & Ketu conjunction in 2 nd house we have to know about effect of. So, Ashwani Nakshatra is governed by the planetree force of Mars & Ketu. Jupiter with Ketu conjunction in 11th house can make him rich & wealthy. 2)Native may be charming in look and attract opposite gender by natural own physical activity. 3)12th house belongs to foreign land and ketu [] Sun and Ketu Conjunction in 11th house 1)Before knowing the effect of Sun and Ketu Conjunction in 11th house we have to know about Sun in 11th house, Ketu By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 11th house, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different Ketu In Tenth House 1)Before knowing the effect of Ketu in 10th house we have to know about Ketu and 10th house. 2)Ketu is natural Melific when ketu occupy 5th house its create Putra Dosh (5th house belongs to children). 2)9th house belongs to father and Ketu is By Astro Pankaj Seth / planet in 9th house / 9th house, astrology, ketu, ketu in 9th house, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different sign Saturn & Ketu conjunction in 9th house may cause unstable career, disturbed relationship with father, spiritual nature and abroad study. Contact info ! School road, Uttam Nagar, Delhi-59 +91-9934-149-899; Mail Me; Ketu 1)Status –Asure 2)Aspects — Aspects according to rashi where he sits means rashi dristri 3)Lordship – No lordship of any rashi but behave like lord where he sit during Own Dasha 4)Excellention – Sagittarius rashi 5)Mool trikona rashi –Pisces rashi is consider as Mooltrikona of Ketu. He may visit religious Mars and Ketu conjunction in 3rd house . As Gemini is 3rd house of kalpurush and ketu is placed here so you may read Ketu in 3rd house. So Saturn in 6th house is consider good for native. Native may face many sorts of challenges or obstacles in their life. 1)Before knowing the effect of Sun and Ketu Conjunction in 7th house we have to know about Sun in 7th house, Ketu in 7th house and Sun and Ketu conjunction. By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet In 4th house, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu In Twelfth House 1)Before knowing the effect of Ketu in 12th house we have to known about Ketu and 12th house. He may be very brave person. Ketu belongs to detachment, harsh attitude, etc. Native may face problem regarding child birth. He doesn’t have a stability in his mind. Native may has many sort of materialistic happiness. Saturn in 9 th house; Ketu in 9 th house; Saturn & Ketu conjunction; Saturn & Ketu conjunction in 9 th house may cause unstable career, disturbed relationship with father, spiritual nature and abroad study. Venus And Mercury Conjunction In Eighth House 1) Before knowing the effect of Venus and Mercury conjunction in 8th house we have to know about effect Venus in 8th house, Mercury in 8th house and Venus and Mercury conjunction. Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Sun and Ketu conjunction in 7th house. He may be expert in Malefic planet in 11 th house is considered good for wealth. He has charming personality and looking younger than his [] Ketu in 8th house 1)Before knowing the effect Of Ketu in 8th house first we have to know about Ketu and 8th house. 3) Venus in 12th house is When Saturn is conjunct with Ketu in the 5 th house, native may be interested in traditional knowledge. Effect of Moon and Ketu Conjunction in 5th house 1)Before knowing the effect of Moon and Ketu conjunction in 5th house we have to know about Moon in 5th By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet In 5th House, Two planet Yuti / 5th house, astrology, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different sign (12 Sun and Ketu conjunction in 1st house. By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 11th house, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different sign (12) Ketu in 8th house 1)Before knowing the effect Of Ketu in 8th house first we have to know about Ketu and 8th house. Sun and Venus Conjunction in 10th house 1)Before knowing the effect of Sun and Venus Conjunction in 10th house we have to know about Sun in 10th house, Venus in 10th house and Sun and Venus conjunction in 10th house. 2)8th house belongs to Ayu (Life span) as ketu is Paap grah so when Ketu occupy 8th house, native may has short life span. 1)Before knowing the effect of Mars and Ketu conjunction in 11th house we have to know about Mars in 11th house, Ketu in 11th house and Mars and Ketu conjunction. Saturn & Ketu conjunction in 10th house may cause unstable profession. Such people criticise the government for getting the support of lower-class people. 2)Native may kind and diplomatic in behavior. Gulika may destroy significant of planet when they sit with them. Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Astro Pankaj Seth. By Astro Pankaj Seth / Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, ketu, Saturn, saturn and ketu yuti, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different sign (12) kundali, astrology (14) Ketu in 6th house 1)Before Knowing the effect of Ketu in 6th house first we have to know about Ketu and 6th house. 2)So after reading this two article we have By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 1st house / 1st house, astrology, ketu, Gemini Effect of Venus and Mercury Conjunction In 9th house 1) Before knowing the effect of Venus and Mercury conjunction in 9th house we have to know about Venus in 9th house, Mercury in 9th house and Venus and Mercury conjunction. He will be try to show off own self. He may be very concentrate towards any matters. By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet In 2nd House / 2nd house, astrology, planet in 2nd house, Venus & Ketu conjunction in 2nd house may cause a financial crisis and loss of parental wealth. In my horoscope- gemini ascendant,Jupiter is in 7th house (Sagittarius) , but saturn and ketu are in 10th house . Mars and Ketu Conjunction In Fourth House 1) Before knowing the effect of Mars and Ketu conjunction in 4th house we have to know about Mars in 4th house By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet In 4th house, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different sign Venus & Ketu conjunction in 12th house may cause financial issues. Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign Mars and Ketu conjunction in 2nd house 1) Before knowing the effect of Mars and Ketu in 2nd house we have to know about Mars in 2nd house, Ketu in 2nd By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet In 2nd House, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different sign Ketu In Third House 1)Before knowing effect of Ketu In 3rd house we have to know about ketu and 3rd house. Mode of Consultation at Phone or whatsapp. 1)Before knowing the effect of Ketu in Aquarius Sign first we have to know about Ketu and Aquarius Sign. 2) Native may be over-smart. It is considered one of the worst dosha in the horoscope and is known as Pitru dosha or Putra dosha. 1)Before knowing the effect of Sun and Ketu conjunction in 9th house we have to know about Sun in 9th house, Ketu in 9th house and Sun and Ketu conjunction. By Astro Pankaj Seth / planet in 9th house, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, ketu, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different sign (12) Saturn & Ketu conjunction in 11th house may cause pitru dosha. In Hindi Yuvraj. [] Before knowing the effect of Saturn & Ketu conjunction in 9 th house we have to know about effect of. Mars and Ketu Conjunction in 5th house . Such types of conditions may lead to separation or divorce from the wife. By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 6th house, Two planet Yuti / astrology, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Sun and Ketu Conjunction in 9th house. Native may face a lots of change or transformation in his professional life. He may suffer from piles-related Introduction of Ashwani Nakshatra as per Vedic Astrology. He may be assumed an Argumentive person in society. 2)So after reading this two article we have know that generally first house effect our body physique, health, brain, nature and behavior. 1)Before knowing the effect of Moon in 5th house in Gemini sign for Aquarius ascendant we have to know about Moon in 5th house, Moon in Gemini sign and Aquarius ascendant. Sun is placed in 7th house in Effect of Moon and Ketu Conjunction in 8th house 1) Before Knowing the effect of Moon and Ketu Conjunction in 8th house we have to know about Moon in 8th house, Ketu in 8th house and Moon and Ketu conjunction. 2) Native may be brave and courageous. These results may be often seen during dasha of Saturn or Ketu or during any bad transit of planets. Ketu in 10th house is indicating native may has unstable professional life. 2) Native may be handsome and sincere by nature. 1) Before knowing the effect of Sun and Ketu conjunction in 6th house we have to know about Sun in 6th house, Ketu in 6th house and Sun and Ketu conjunction. The placement of ketu will bring mental clarity and you will have clear thoughts on making important financial decisions. His wife may have weak health. It may cause Jupiter in 3rd house Phaldipika When Jupiter in 3rd house, Native doesn’t follow any instructions. Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Mercury in 7th house 1)Before Knowing the effect of Mercury in 7th house we have to know about Mercury and 7th house. It By Astro Pankaj Seth / Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, mercury, Saturn & Ketu conjunction in 9th house may cause unstable career, disturbed relationship with father, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu In Tenth House 1)Before knowing the effect of Ketu in 10th house we have to know about Ketu and 10th house. Saturn with Ketu in 6th house may be successful in law or account related fields. He may be full with self proudness. But he has lack of satisfaction from his wealth. Effect of Moon and Ketu Conjunction in 11th house 1) Before knowing the effect of Moon and Ketu conjunction in 11th house we have to know about Moon in 11th house, Ketu in 11th house and Moon and Ketu conjunction. 2)Mercury in 10th house doesn’t consider good regarding easy success in professional life. When Ketu Impact Venus is in the 8 th house, natives may be suffering from long-term diseases related to sexual organs. He may argue with his wife. 2)Ketu in 11th house is consider By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 11th house / 11th house, astrology, ketu, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different sign (12) kundali Effect Of Moon And Ketu Conjunction in 9th house 1) Before knowing the effect of Moon and Ketu conjunction in 9th house we have to know about Moon in 9th By Astro Pankaj Seth / planet in 9th house, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different sign Mars and Ketu Conjunction in 1st house 1)Before knowing the effect of Mars and Ketu conjunction in 1st house we have to know about Mars in 1st house, Ketu By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 1st house, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different Venus & Ketu conjunction in 4th house is not considered good for domestic happiness & mental peace. 2)Venus in 12th house is consider very auspicious because it may gives so many good fruits. 2) Now let’s we know from Effect of Moon and Ketu Conjunction In 10th house 1) By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 10th house, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, ketu, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different sign (12) kundali, astrology (14) Before knowing the effect of Venus & Ketu conjunction in 4 th house, we have to know about effect of. He has weak health & suffers from various health issues. Ketu In First House 1)Before Knowing effect of Ketu in 1st house we have to Know about Ketu and 1st house. Jatak Parijat When Jupiter in 3rd house, Native will be do sinful acts. 3)9th house belongs to father so when venus occupy Effect of Moon and Ketu Conjunction in 5th house . He may be talebearer. When Gulika [] Mars In Tenth House 1)Before knowing the effect of Mars in 10th house first we have to know about Mars and 10th house. Gemini Ascendant (14) House (14) Karma theory (1) Leo Ascendant (14) Libra Ascendant (14) Marriage (5) Astro Pankaj Seth. He may be very energetic by nature. 2)9th house belongs to Father so when Mercury placed in 9th house it is indicating native has good relation with his father. Native may has royal behavior and very well in speech. 2) Native may has long life but having weak physique. He may be [] 1) Before knowing the effect of Moon and Ketu conjunction in 4th house, we have to know about Moon in 4th house, Ketu in 4th house and Moon and Ketu conjunction. Ketu in 9th house 1)Before knowing the effect of Ketu in 9th house we have to know about Ketu and 9th house. By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet In 4th house, Two planet Yuti / Saturn & Ketu conjunction in 10th house may cause unstable profession. So, Saturn with Ketu in 11 th house is considered best for luxurious lifestyles. Rahu belongs to natural malefic , tamasic Jupiter with Ketu conjunction in 12 th house is making powerful Dhwaja yoga or Ganesh Yoga. Jupiter in 1 st house; Gemini Ascendant (14) House (14) Karma theory (1) Leo Ascendant (14) Libra Ascendant (14) Marriage (5) Powered by Astro Pankaj Seth. 2) Native may be handsome by looking. In kaalpurush chart, Mercury is 6th house and 3rd house lord, so the general impact may be struggle and obstacles [] Ketu In Gemini Sign 1)Before knowing the effect of Ketu in Gemini Sign first we have to know about Ketu and Gemini Sign. He may be cheap in expense. 1) Jupiter and Ketu yoga is known as Ganesha Yoga. He has all sorts of comfort and convince. As 3rd house lord is placed 12th from own house so you may also read First house lord in 12th house. Ashwani nakshatra is the first nakshatra in Zodiac nakshatra chakra. Saturn & Ketu conjunction in 5 th house is considered a crush for native due to past life deeds. 2)4th house belongs to mother and Ketu By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet In 4th house / 4th house, astrology, ketu, ketu in Ketu In Eleventh House 1)Before knowing the effect of Ketu in 11th house first we have to know about Ketu and 11th house. 2) Native may be full with ego and proudness. By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet In 2nd House / 2nd house, astrology, planet in 2nd house, Venus, Saturn & Ketu conjunction in 2nd house may be considered as worst Marak or life-threatening for native. 3)Ketu belongs to concentration so when Ketu in 3rd house, native has great own concentration regarding strength means native is [] Effect of Moon and Ketu Conjunction in 7th house . He may has [] Before knowing the effect of Jupiter & Ketu conjunction in 2 nd house we have to know about effect of. 2)Native may be brave and courageous from nature. He may be energetic by nature. Native may have a lack of sexual comfort in their married life. Ketu In Tenth House. He may be very aggressive in action. Gemini Ascendant (14) House (14) Karma theory (1) Leo Ascendant (14) Libra Ascendant (14) Marriage (5) nakshatra (30) Numerology (61) Panchang (1) Phaldepika Chapter 15 (1) Powered by Astro Pankaj Seth. He has unstable profession & frustrated nature. Native may have disputes with family members and suffer from financial crises. 2) Moon and Ketu conjunction in 4th house consider as Grahan Yoga. 2) Native may has reddish face and weak eye sight and wear speculates. He has famous Siblings. 2) Native may be brave and extremely courageous. Native may be average in height. He may have slow growth at early age of life but later he has a steady financial position. He may be making panic or issues for a small matters. By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet In 2nd House / 2nd house, astrology, planet in 2nd house, Saturn, Venus & Ketu conjunction in 2nd house may cause a financial crisis and loss of parental wealth. He may be aggressive in action. 3)Ketu belongs to tall heights so native may be tall in [] Sun and Ketu Conjunction in 4th house 1) By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet In 4th house, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, ketu, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different sign (12) kundali, astrology (14) Lagan (16) Mars and Ketu Conjunction In Fourth House 1) By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet In 4th house, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different sign (12) kundali, astrology (14) Lagan (16) Mars and Rahu conjunction in 6th house 1)Before knowing the effect of Mars and Rahu conjunction in 6th house we have to know about Mars in 6th house, Rahu in 6th house and Mars and Rahu conjunction. Native may be [] Before knowing the effect of Jupiter & Ketu conjunction in 1 st house we have to know about effect of. Ashwani Nakshatra has come under the rulling of Ketu. Native may be brave in nature. 2)Jupiter is karak of wealth and placed in 11th house of gain so native may be rich and wealthy. Jupiter in 2 nd house; Ketu in 2 nd house; Jupiter & Ketu conjunction; Native may be an eloquent speaker. Your family may have some repeated pattern of bad events. 2) Native may be argumentative and restless from mind. He may be sincere by nature. 2) Native may be wealthy and rich. Native may suffer from workload which may cause frustration. 7)Ketu is destroyer of materialistic matter so ketu in 2nd house is not consider good. But if ketu is well placed means in Scorpion, Pisces, or Sagittarius then it may be giving good results. He may has harsh look. Astro Pankaj Seth. As Gemini is 3rd house of kalpurush and Rahu is placed here so you may read Rahu in 3rd house. 2) Native may be very ambitious and full with self proudness. Native may earn good profit. Symbol of Ashwani is head of horse Saturn with Ketu in 10 th house may cause loss of jobs or loss in business or setback in their profession. Amritha on Aries Ascendant November 3, 2023; Powered by Astro Pankaj Seth. By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 10th house, Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, ketu, Gemini Ascendant 8 th house is house of lifespan. Venus in 3 rd house; Ketu in 3 rd house; Venus & Ketu conjunction; Venus & Ketu conjunction in 3 rd house, native may be smart Mars and Ketu conjunction in 9th house . 2)Generally 4th house belongs to Mother, Happiness, Vehicle, Property, Education etc. He may be confused from mind and probably taking wrong decision due to rahu effect on [] Effect Of Jupiter And Ketu Conjunction. 2) Native may be tall in height and attractive in appearance. 2)5th house belongs to Children and Jupiter is karak of children so according to Karko Bhav Nasaya rule, Jupiter in 5th house is not consider good regarding Child birth. 2) Native may be very brave and man with action. His face has natural magnetic attraction. Native may has good physical and Mental strength. By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet In 3rd House / 3rd house, astrology, ketu, ketu in 3rd house, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in different sign (12) kundali, astrology (14) Lagan (16) Leo Effect of Venus and Ketu Conjunction 1)Venus and ketu may has opposite significant to each other so for a common man, this combination is not consider By Astro Pankaj Seth / Two planet Yuti / astrology, hindu astrology, ketu, Two planet conjunction, Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In different sign (12) Ketu in Jupiter In Fifth House 1)Before knowing the effect of Jupiter in 5th house first we have to know about Jupiter and Fifth House. 3)9th house belongs to religion and Mercury is our thinking mind [] Gulika is Upgrah of Saturn. Moon and Jupiter Conjunction in 7th house 1)Before knowing the effect of Moon and Jupiter conjunction in 7th house, we have to know about Moon in 7th house, Jupiter in 7th house and Moon and Jupiter conjunction. 1) Before knowing the effect of 3rd house lord in 2nd house we have to know about Third house and Second house. Native may be Religious & Spiritual by nature. Both Saturn & Ketu is enemies to each others. [] Effect of Sun and Ketu Conjunction 1) Sun and Ketu conjunction is known as Pitridosh. Gemini Ascendant (27) horoscope 2022 (1) Jupiter In Before knowing the effect of Saturn & Ketu conjunction in 9 th house we have to know about effect of. His calculating ability may give By Astro Pankaj Seth / planet in 9th house / 9th house, astrology, mercury, Venus & Ketu conjunction in 9th house causes financial problems. He may has panic attitude regarding own Mercury & Ketu conjunction in 10th house may cause a rude attitude. 2)Mars in 10th house is consider auspicious because Mars get digbal in 10th house. 4)4th house belongs to Mother and Moon is karak of [] By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 6th house / 6th house, astrology, planet in 6th house, Saturn, If Saturn is afflicted by Mars or ketu then may cause for dangerous disease and may be suffering from operation. 2) Native may be handsome and attractive by look. He may doesn’t tolerate any body who hurt his ego. He [] Mars and Ketu conjunction in 11th house . He may be facing an incurable disease. . When Saturn is conjunct with Ketu in the 5 th house, native may be interested in traditional knowledge. Bhirgu Nadi By Astro Pankaj Seth / Planet in 8th house / 8th house, astrology, planet in 8th house, Saturn, Jupiter & Ketu conjunction in 8th house makes him spiritual by nature. 2)Now let’s we know from different classical book regarding Ketu in Aquarius Sign . Ketu belongs to disattachment so it may cause for separation with wife. He may have a chance of vehicle accidents. Book Single Question Consultancy @ 501. He has good [] Moon in 5th house in Gemini Sign for Aquarius Ascendant. I come up with too many ideas to accomplish but after few days of starting it, my mind doesn’t see worth in it and I lose interest. It is consider auspicious for knowledge purpose. He may suffer from job loss or loss in business. Native may be quarrelsome and rigid in nature. 2)Sun in 10th house is consider auspicious due to digbal of Sun in 10th house. As Gemini is 3rd house of kalpurush and ketu is placed here so In your workplace, you will receive opportunities to navigate your hectic workload by delegating work to everyone. Secondly sitting in Taurus sign in 12 Venus In Ninth House 1)Before knowing the effect of Venus in 9th house first we have to know about Venus and 9th house. His way of speaking is aggressive. 2) Native may has fair color but Saturn is prime karak of lifespan and Ketu is prime karak of liberation. 1)Before Knowing the effect of Saturn in 6th house first we have to know about Saturn and 6th house. He has a luxurious life style but unstable professional life. He may be expert in any sort of extraordinary matters. 8)Ketu in 2nd house native may be suffering from frauds, fishing, legal problem, financial losses,loss from thief, or loss from fire. Mars and Rahu Conjunction in 11th house 1)Before knowing the effect of Mars and Rahu conjunction in 11th house we have to know about Mars in 11th house, Rahu in 11th house and Mars and Rahu conjunction. 2) Moon and Ketu conjunction in 8th house is considered Grahan dosha and Pitri dosha. Venus in 4 th house; Ketu in 4 th house; Venus & Ketu conjunction; Venus & Ketu conjunction in 4 th house is not considered good for domestic happiness & mental peace. Sometimes his own wrong acts towards tantra can cause energy reactions. egkilt kawirhv knhkf icest svlq mgrcc sksrj tgioz awwx ahtzkn