Wot best credit making premium tank I know they aren't as good as the tier 8, but i don't have that much money. You have to understand few things about credit making in this game. Average+ credit-maker. ShPTK is one of the worst credit efficiencies at tier 8. 5k gold (Nothing super expensive please) I appreciate anyone who can help me here and contribute to the topic. (With the 10th anniversary coming up I hope to get even more bonds from missions) I want to get a tier 8 premium purely for making credits. 150K subscribers in the WorldofTanks community. The top 88mm on the tiger has cheap ammo and does decent damage for example, or the 75mm L70 on the Tier 6 TD Jagpanzer IV. And it never disappoints me. Best to pick tanks you will enjoy playing a lot over splitting hairs over the credit coefficient. Those are the best use for bonds. If u can run a premium account you can easily make 100k profit in good games because the shells are cheap. Though higher credit coefficient ≠ more credits. Wish I had a better answer but I don’t. All these are good and used on SH. 5 - You are a collector and just like to have them all. Would love for it to get preferential matchmaking as a If you started in the last update, completing the tutorial gets you a free tier 4 T6E1 "Grizzly" which actually makes good credits for the tier. I have a Löwe lying around, but it The amount of credits earned during a battle depends on many factors: damage, spotting enemies, base capture, enemy level. - With a premium tier VIII you'll beat top OP Annies and Smashers with ease. This month you get a day of premium, useful missions, and several actually good t8 premiums for 14 day rental. So pick a tank that closely matches one on the tech tree that you already enjoy. There are arguably better T8 premium tanks, but their ammo costs add up in a hurry. Credit making isn't the best due to relatively low pen standard round with excellent premium rounds (good pen with amazing shell velocity), encouraging premium round use. My best credit maker is the Iron Rain Borsig in which I make anywhere between 80-100k credits on a good game which isnt hard to do IS-6 if I just want to be an armored troll. It has a beautiful gun that is deadly accurate and has very good penetration with standard rounds so that I do not feel pressured to load gold unless I'm very bottom tier. However if you are going to pick a premium tank for your likings you should get the one that you would like to play. Nothing wrong with that, but just something to note. Pick the one that you do best in. SU-130PM is my go to tank for fun and making credits, But I didn't own alot of premium tanks but my favorite tier 8 premium was the FV4202 (British Tier 8 premium tank) its very similar to the Probably 122tm for me. I’m trying to choose between War Thunder and WoT Nice shell velocity, cheap shells and good base pen make the Patriot by far the best even on paper. And I am a bad player. Do some research and watch videos on good premium tanks and guess if you'll enjoy them. Simply put: The ones you perform the best in / tje ones that fit your playstyle. It has every feature of a Premium tank EXCEPT +50% money bonus. Max has expensive ammo, and the E-25, while fun, has sub-par penetration. Worst premium shell credit efficiency- T92 @ 3. . But from what I have played I enjoyed the following: T44 with is a beast after it got buffed a while back. Suggestions? Bought some loot boxes and the only tank I got was this. Here’s a detailed overview of the best premium tanks for farming credits, based on player reviews and gameplay experience. Tier 8 is the perfect balance between dealing good enough damage amounts and the tank costs not being too high, making it the best tier for credit grinding, and it means that on average the T26E4 and Löwe will earn more than an Angry Connor or Chi Nu Kai, despite lower credit coefficient. It can make a good deal of credits and is cheap. Nothing you said contradicts me in any way. T26E5: Some people will argue It's best one for credit earning but It's not anywhere fun. 2 - You want to make the credit grind easier. 03 is basically a worse tiger 1 that makes about as much credits as a tier VIII thanks to a +15% profitability buff way back. Players, tanks, & clans / Login. 01(P). Im looking for an good T8 premium tank for credit grinding. AFAIK the T8 Premium with the highest credit bonus is the Type 59. Tank Compare. The best noob-friendly premium on the Tier VIII. There is a credit multiplier for each premium tank and tier 8 is the tier that has the biggest one. Then make your pick. I mean the 90 mm APCR on Patriot is only 255 credits while a 90 mm AP on STA-2 is 380 credits. Premium tanks are often recommended for farming Credits. gg to get a better idea and watch some reviews. The Löwe is the best credit grinder in the game for a few reasons: 1- Its a tier 8 tank. Question Just got back into playing WoT and have 13k gold on my account. - Premium TIER IX if you are a bad player means you should stay in TIER VIII. I just buy it, I didn't play much with it, and I dont get the better way to use it yet. I mean - they do make more credits than regular tech tree tanks, but not really that much more. View average credit earnings, profit, earnings per minute, ammo cost, and more. Tank Stats. Tier 5 premiums don't make especially good credits, but they are good for crew training. Very, very useful. You can regard Renegade as the best premium heavy tank or your favorite or your best performing, but it's still not a meta tank. Some tanks were quite a surprise to m What would be a good premium tank to go for? I currently see a variation of the T34 (the US one) in the store for 5500g. But grinding in tech tree tanks is much more difficult since their credit coefficients vary greatly and they are vulnerable to any buffs/ nerf that may happen any update. Get the Lowë. Mastery Requirements. eu/newsWant to start playing World of Tanks? Use this link and you can choose 1 o Aquí nos gustaría mostrarte una descripción, pero el sitio web que estás mirando no lo permite. The reason it's one of the best credit makers is the fact it's a tier 8 premium tank with the cheap ammo. Best credit makers are premium Tier 8's though. The only time we EVER see these numbers is when they release them as part of New Tank announcements. I don't have the t34-85m but I know it is strongly but it is very similar to the techtree one and the most standard tank of the 3. Top Battles. For me personally my best credit maker is my Lorraine 40t. The average player will get frustrated and quit long before it becomes productive enough to make decent credits. However the last thread about this topic was 7 months old, and consensus seemed to be that the Churchill is the best one, hands down. For me the best overall tier 8 tank destroyer is the TS-5 or T28 depending on if I want to make more credits, but these are turretless assault TDs so some people don't like that. T-54: A bit slow version of T-44 with A bit derpier gun. I need to buy a lot of high tier tanks but low on credits at the moment. Probably the best tier 6 light. 5/1 or the Spaghettio. MoE Requirements. tomato. - Premium TIER IX if you are a good player will be MM with Tiers X so you'll got a bitter taste. 3 - You want to make the crew xp grind for a tech tree tank you love, easier. If you don't have/can't afford a premium 8, these do OK. LOWE; How to The best tier 8 credit maker is the one which is most fun to play for you. I do have the type 64 and it is a very good tank. I just want to know what's the best premium tank that i can buy to earn credits, Discover the best premium and non-premium tanks to grind credits. Now to Progetto its very flexible and strong tank, allthough needing some If you want a similar tank to the 122-44, but at tier 8 and all around better (at the cost of raw dpm) the wz-120ft is an absolute blast! High pen also means the 120ft doesnt need to spam much premium ammo, making it an excellent credit printer. gg under tank economics and sort by best earning tanks, consider their stats (in particular standard shells) in tanks. Every tier 8 tank makes really good credits, as long as you're not spamming gold. Otherwise, the first decent earners are at tier 6. A friend of mine is thinking about buying a tier 8 premium tank for making more credits, There isnt a "best" premium when it comes at credit making. Also makes tons of credits. it comes to you "elite" (no parts World of Tanks – Top Ten. I have had my The rule of thumb is that - each and every premium tank is a good money-maker. Strong credit coefficient (for a researchable) and a very strong tank overall, very popular in tier 6 tournaments. Best Premium Tank for credit farming? Question T26e5 is the best for credits imo. Super pershing is good for making credits if you can survive bouncing your AP once in a while. With a standard account, no mission bonuses, and no real skills to speak of, I pull a 200k credit profit (100% unified, so WoT credits) per 8 minute game, with 300 free exp. When I did play randoms I always had a ton of credits from playing for years. 34%. Standard APCR- 240d/230p @ 255 credits 92. ——— All the popular tier 8s and most suitable for general use: T54E2 (too good to be true, the best The one you perform best in. According to tomato. WOT-ARTY. Of course there are some premiums that will get you extra credits beyond that. EVEN 90 by far, it is king at camping, I have one with some decent crews and when sitting still in a bush the enemy can only proxy spot me, it has a 3 rounder so you can deal dmg when the time is right. You want to know which premium is worth it? Which one you should purchase? Watch this video and get the latest update on how tanks perform according to WN8 a As a free to play player I kind of have a problem with making enough credits. Which premium tank can earn the most silver? I'm coming back to WoT and I'm considering buying a Tier VIII premium tank to earn silver. 40 t + Somua SM + AMX M4 49@ 25. The obvious part is the tier 5 Sherman hull but the gun has one of the shittiest rng Ive ever experienced. Battlepass tanks T9 still give 50% increase in crew-experience. It's quite slow, but if you've played the T32 it is quite similar. Basically I just want to know what premium tanks are good at making credits. Ideally, pick one with good penetration so you can limit the use of gold. If you don't have any, then an autoloader, or high DPM tech tree tank with good mobility will, work, but you'll make less For starters, yes I did use the search function. It's worth saving up. T34 if you just want to pen stuff, but the tank relies on finding a hulldown position as it has little to no armor. If you already has something good to earn credits, go for KV-5. WG never published those multipliers on WOT pc. Discover the best premium and non-premium tanks to grind credits. Why does he compare premium and non premium tanks??? Left side – tier 8 premium. The T26E5 seems to the be the best premium tank creditfarming wise. (My favorite money earners at the moment include my defender, T34 heavy, IS3a, and Emil '51) 2 - A Premium Tier 7, 6, or 5 tank. Reply reply danshakuimo • T-34-3 is the best bond store premium in terms of profitability according to Best credit grinder. The tier 9 premium, the Goblin, in WoWP earns the most credits. It can't be stressed enough how important it is that you feel comfortable in a tank. But slow, be prepared. Arguably the best in good hands, but tough to master 5: TS-5 - Probably the best TD at the tier. Players, tanks, & clans / Become patreon Login. Here's a few options to consider: CS-52 LIS. So it’s not a great tank, average in stats, making it average. You can make good credits with them since most of your to charge you. In a good match I make 60K. Tank Performance. His premium ammos can pen tier 8 tanks. gg game mod and tomato creator mentioned that almost all mod users are best 10% players or higher. SU130 and ELC are also go-to credit 1 - A Premium Tier 8 Tank of your choosing. It's also free but takes a little more time to get if you don't have any friends to refer. Best premium shell credit efficiency- Skorpion G @8. If you want to spend bonds on a premium tank, get a tier 8 one. It has a credit coefficient of 180%. A good portion of the game is grinding so you want your credit making tank to be fun to play. I can't even remember the last time I used premium ammo in it, it has great pen for a tier 8 light tank. If you buy the best net earning tank but hate it and only reluctantly play it, you won't get much out of it. Little OP-mobile that's easy to put out a ton of damage - which is a huge component of your profitability. I'm inexperienced, currently I'm on tier 8 and my previous attempts in WoT were finished on tier 7-8 also, so it's like a few weeks of gaming. Vk 45. For the recruit: (tier VI and VII) T-34-85M (best tank) and SU-122-44 are insanely powerful and fun but don't make alot of credits because of their tier. All Tanks. Looking for a premium tank to farm credits. [Top 3] WoT Blitz Best Heavy Tank Lines I'll give you the best advice I got regarding premium tanks: The tank that will make you the most money is likely the one you most enjoy playing. Mobility is somewhat lacking, but is enough to get where you need to go. What makes E 25awesome: High Whatever Lowe is like Churchill III but with credits, for doing 2000 damage you get a lot more credits than in any other tier VIII tank. Runners Even if it doesn’t farm credits as Tier VIII premium tanks, E 25 had to find a place on this list considering its characteristics. For instance, many play TDs for credit farming due to good penetration values on standard shells. It’s not too good at anything else except one single thing, which means it’s ranked quite low, compared to a faster, more flexible tank like T54E2 or an AMX M4 49 that can use its hull armor. Apart from that Lorraine can be fun if you are good player and gun is not trolling you if you want to get a fun premium tank, get the lorraine Reply reply They're both good TDs in their own right, but honestly you won't be making a lot of credits in either tank. Find a clan that uses clan boosters, I think they give +15% extra credits and they add up eventually. gl Don’t waste time looking at the raw credit coefficient, the best premium to make credits is a premium that you like. Just also a turbo on it and boom you have a very well armored tank with a high penetration gun that makes tons of credits. Very nice tank. If you want a premium just to play all the time and not worry about losing credits, others have given good advice. "Meta" doesn't mean a tank is good. I suspect this is because of the penetration values (Skoda 208 AP, Renegade 226 AP) leading Skoda players to shoot more As most folk have already said, the tier 8 premium tanks will net you the most silver per game. WHAT IS A PREMIUM TANK. It can make credits, but not nearly as effectively as a 130 or Skorpion which have close to twice the efficiency. So if a player does not like to play t8 vs t10 in a random battle, and does not need the credits, he/she can just play with a Tier9 tank, which comes with a free big repairkit also (saving at least 3. I'm a strict f2p player, I don't buy premium and only use those days that you're given free for some tasks. The "credit making" potential of any tier VIII premium tank is mostly the same, of course some tanks are better than others so farming credits on them will be easier - so, the most important question here is what class you like the most and what exactly you want your premium tank to be. Those are your most reliable credit maker sources that you can get for free 100% without wasting bonds. Best premium tank for making credits . Best French premium mediums in my opinion are the Bourrasque, Lorraine 40T and the M4A1 Revalorisé. Type 59 - Very rarely sold, but it's the best tank in the game with preferential matchmaking For tech tree credit grinders pretty much ignore all tier 9-10 tanks as they rarely break even let alone make any credits. With prem I can play a game get like 2k DMG 1 kill block a few shots and make over 100k credits after I do not recommend this tank. Löwe is imo very good allround tank, for all kind of players. Great mobility with burst damage. The credit farm in random is not an enjoyable process, because of its monotony and playing at level 8 against the So I really need a good credit making tank right now, I need it to have some good armor, a good gun, that can pen a KV-1, I was considering a TOG2 because the TOG is such a trolly tank, I was also thinking about the T14, but I need it to be under about 6. Though, I’ll admit, there’s some here that make the game a bit easy. I want to grind credits for my account, i started grinding (again) WoT because my old account was hacked by a phishing random player way back on 2017. It's a pretty good tank too and the gun is a laser. 2) As for bonds; A- rewards tanks are ranked battle tanks AND clan war tanks. Which is a lot better for credits farming and a really fun and strong tank with PMM. Prefer to play mediums, heavies and TDs. You pay 50% extra for a shell that has Also the soft stats of your gun are terrible, meaning you're best when you can play stationary. Best credit earning premium tanks . World of Tanks Best Credit Makers Premium Tanks Review - 122 TM, EBR 75 (FL10), Mars/Progetto 46, B Everyone says it's the JT 88. The tier 5 Lefsomething french arty has a 8 second reload and by far best view range of any tier 5 tank and any spg in the game which is insane. None are gonna be bad at credit making, I just said there are better ones like you said the patriot which is 255 credits for 240 damage or 480 damage for 510 credits which is much more cost effective than the t103 I also wouldn't say that the t103 is second best with the liberte also having very cheap shells. The only difference is you can't buy it. From no replays you can get serious data setthere is too many variables included. Not to mention But you may look at tomato. What tank They are T6 but fit within your budget and are the 2 best T6 tanks imo. Which ones do you recommend now a days? Also should I get one expensive one like the löwe for 11. Cromwell B, Type 64, Kv-2 (R), T-34-85M. 2k or get 2 Well hard to say what you'll have fun in. T-34-85M & Cromwell B are best tier 6 prems, and make some pretty nice credits if you can get a good dpg going. I've bought a shitload of boxes and got a double-shitload of gold + some T8 premium tanks. You don’t need to load gold most times and you only need to connect 4 shots to Best premium tank credit farmers 2022 . Thanks! With a credit booster I've been making 100k per match recently (with food!) I've gone from having 4mil to 17mil credits in just a couple of weeks. But it's harder to get insane scores. Not really. High AP pen so it almost never requires premium ammo. 21. maybe not the best credit makers but I love playing high pen high dmg paper TDs like skorp and SU130PM. 35 iirc), so it can snipe well, which is handy for being in tier 10 games and wanting to stay in the 2nd-3rd line and not up front. M4 49 is good, can make good creds, but it has a rather unusual playstyle. gg Skoda T56 and Renegade are very good and almost identical credit earners, while Skoda has on average about 200 more DPG than Renegade. That's why mobile, damage dealing, premies are the way to go. If you have a tier 5 premium, you can use it to train up a few sixth sense crews and then just retrain those crews for other tank lines once they get sixth sense. Crypto They help a lot in farming credits. A premium tank is a special tank. High numbers in battle bring in the highest earnings, and tier 8 is highest tier I haven't found a way to lose credits in this tank yet (I think maybe only one match I went negative when looking at the results if I didn't have premium at the time) and in about a day of playing (maybe 3-4 hours) I made almost 2 million credits (with free Best premium tanks to make credits So in this video we will be looking at the best credit earning premium tank per tier. KV-5 is the best tank to ram people around and play stupid. This credit bonus increases with the tiers, which makes tier VIII premiums the most profitable tanks Discover the best premium and non-premium tanks to grind credits. If u know how to sidescrape or if you get in Tier 7 game. gg! World of Tanks | WoTWATCH ME it's a list of players who install tomato. I’d suggest go for fun, your play style when choosing them, rather than credit grinding. So pick one that doesn't have bad standard ammo. At least according to vbaddict As far as i know its not obtainable anymore but i dont want to spend that much anyway. Is this still true? Therefore I'm asking the question again: Which premium tank at ~1500 G is the "best", and preferably fun, tank for grinding credits. I am not new to WOT. If credits are a concern a good premium tank isn't bad though, especially when you use occasional premium days to grind credits What tanks are making most credits and why? Today we will take a look at top 5 credit makers using awesome data from https://www. TS-5: Good alpha and standard penetration, great gun-handling, decent armor and amazing DPM. Top 10 Best Premium Tanks with Highest Profit per Battle. In this video, we showcase the premium tanks that farm the most credits in their class based on serverwide stats from tomato. Hoping to get some suggestions you should be able to make credits in any tank tier 7 or below, unless you spam hella gold. But the main thing is the tank. The unspoken rule of premium tanks is that you purchase tier VIII ones to make I am pretty much completely F2P and I have saved up almost enough for a tier 8 premium tank. You can find some special premium vehicles in the game which you can buy for real money and they give you additional bonus to the amount of credits earned. So it's best that you have enough experience with the game to know what type of vehicle you enjoy playing the most and which ones you have the best results in, then get a premium that is similar to it. The other point, a premium tier 6, to use in strongholds. All you have is decent armor, but that alone won't help much. Does someone find T-54 heavy enjoyable? It's a worse Renegade Also amazing credit making coefficient. This tank has a high credit I think the obvious answer to why the tanks on the top of the credit waste list are there is because most people playing them are firing gold. I don't spend a lot of money on WoT (I have a premium account so I can platoon with my 2 good friends), but I'm looking for purchase exactly one Skip to main content Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home Of premium tanks, pretty much any tier 8 earns enough to be worthwhile. Premium account gives you 50% bonus to cash you earn, so even when you play with tanks that were unprofitable before now you will be able to gain some credits with them. The formula changes a fair bit if you are able to get a number of full HE pens in with ShPTK, but I am not aiming my comment at the kind of player that can do that consistently. You're either going to have to be really good at flanking, or load up a healthy amount of premium ammo to be effective in it. Pick the tank you'll enjoy returning to again and again. But you’ll need to be a good player to make that thing work. More battles = more credits. - With a premium tier VIII You'll make credits faster and then complete all the free tank There is no 1 tank that's best at any tier and you will always find yourself in situations where some other tank would perform better than the one you're driving. Only has 240 Alpha and don't even have DPM to composite that. 90. You make a lot more having a good game in a so-so to average tank, than a bad game, in a good tank. 01P. However I don't know which one of them would be best for that so I was wondering what tank you guys would pick. The sweet spot for credit grinding in tech tree tanks is tiers 6-8. The Löwe is one of the best tier 8 premium tanks other than the flaw of it being a better defensive than aggressive tank. I make tons of credits in my bourrasque. Othera swear to their Skorps, SU130PMs and Patriots (all valid choices!), but if those arent your playstyle, you probably wouldnt make as much credits with em. 274a. Right side – tier 10 non premium. Liberte has a decent gun nowadays and ok armor, but it's a bit boring to play. Unsual method of angling the armor, sort of nose forward, sidescraping is a death sentence in this tank. I love it but alot of people don't like paper heavies. Well the su-122-44 has the highest tier 7 credit cooficient at 169%, but the tank is really powercrept and there are better tanks with very similar credit cooficients (like anni and smash) so it might not be the best choice. Hello Tankers! I am searching for a HT to efficiently farm credits without much suffering. Tank XP Multipliers - Many of these can be seen in the Postgame Results screen, so we just need folks playing a few games :) Tank Silver multipliers - these are HIDDEN, unfortunately. VStabs are mandatory. I personally play the Turtle, Bourrito and BZ-176 in regards of making credits, but your mileage may vary. One more thing, use gold ammo and premium consumables only when you need them. Pen and Speed will biggest issue of this tank (But You can still make work with 190 Pen) Non premium Tier 6 is the sweet spot, the m42/57 will make decent credits being a premium. Surprisingly good armor if you can make them rush the shots, if you go hulldown while exposing cupola you are finished. Any tank can be an excellent credit maker or an awful credit sink depending on how well you play them. It's a very decent tank and way better than the KV-5 in the long run, if you are looking to make credits. Or alternatively get the tier 8 american premium heavy from the referral program. I wallet warrior Christmas boxes every year so I have gold and credits. gl/5V I make a ton my m41 90mm German light , or my Russian lt-432. plus the guns are fantastic. T34 is the best credit farmer IMO. It has criminally low repair and ammo cost for it's gun. I recently got my first t8 prem from the auctions, and the amount of credits you can Yet to make WoT a viable game, a premium vehicle with the enhanced credit-making potential they bring is simply a requirement for the average player. I have 8k bonds saved up and am thinking about buying one of the T8 premiums from the bond shop to farm credits. ADMIN MOD best tank to farm credits for bonds . B- bond equipment after the update make now a big difference. For other tanks Maybe progetto 46 or Löwe. Answered Hey guys, I am considering buying a tier 8 premium tank from what is avaliable right now in the premium shop (borr, renegade lt-432, somua, lansen, e75 ts) WoT has such a happy community 😊 upvotes Ever wondered which tanks makes the most credits in World of Tanks? Look no further as today I'm playing them all!SUBSCRIBE for more videos!: https://goo. Best-in-class alpha, good penetration values, and nearly immune UFP makes this tank the best trading [meaning exchanging shots 1 for 1 with another tank] premium heavy tank. Typically when I need credits I’ll just crew train in a premium tank for a while but I figured with the 50% holiday credit boost I could do this in a tech tree tank. Question Hello, I recently got back into the game after playing it last around 2015. Is it a good overall tank to get? I'm not looking for something OP. So when you try to make credits, you pick this tier. The super Pershing is also a great tank. Imho at this point T-103 would be the best when it comes to credit farm, and it can also be kind of fun. Overall very solid tank but not a credit maker. What works for someone may not work for you and vice versa. Some of my favorite premiums are far from popular and a lot of players ( the bad ones which are the majority of players ) will say these tanks are bad, then being the T34, Kanonenjagdpanzer, KV-5 and SuperPershing. Maybe consider the KV-4 Kreslavskiy. Overall, the boxes are the best value for money in WOT IMO. Understandable because T8 premiums are designed to make the most credits, but just for the FTP players: T34 (the tier 5 medium) and type 34 with the 57 mm are very cheap to run and are pretty solid damage dealers. I have pretty much every tech tree tank I want and have not bought any equipment in for ever. Invest in view range, also earn some assistance credits and these will make you 10K+ every game on a non premium account, even on a Looking for best tier 5 premium tank, looking for suggestions and insight . Also don't use food on low tier tanks, it's a waste of credits. Give a look at vbaddict, to see which tanks are more profitables. The best credit maker tank is a tier VIII tank that you like to play and that has sufficient base pen. Tier 8 premiums have a very high average and median for credit coefficient (165%-190%, the highest average in game). 8%. Business, Economics, and Finance. Budjet 25€. Btw, I have the Obj. Today I’m looking at the best 10 premium tanks for making credits in World of Tanks! SUBSCRIBE for more videos!: https://goo. They all have roughly the same "credit earning modifier", so there is no such thing as "better" or "worse" money-makers in WoT - it all depends on your unique skill set, really. Remember that bond tanks are reward tanks, not premium tanks. I want to make as much credits as possible with this tank. You can sure buy + grind the AE Phase 1 though. If you want a decent brawling med on tier 8, play the iron arnie or the obj. It doesn't make the highest amount of credits though, as you sometimes have to shoot gold. The t25 was my first premium tank, which I still play from time to time. It depends entirely on what kind of vehicles your friend likes to play Result of 2 weeks break from WoT. The D. 4: Borrasque - Like a light tank, but with more firepower. Even in the defeats, it never makes less than 20K credits. Prior to this update, the Churchill III (premium tier 5 Russian heavy tank) was the only premium tank in the game with an XP bonus (of 1. 35) -- it will keep this additional bonus after the update, so it will still be the best crew trainer at tier 5. You can definitely grind credits using them, but the absolute best tanks for credit grinding are t8 premiums. I suggest the Russian medium. Trouble is it's not the most competitive tank out there. Most of the best earning tanks are ones with Premium tanks benefit from greater credit income than regular tanks. 1% credit efficiency Premium APCR- 240d/259p @ 4400 credits 3: EBR75 - Hands down the best light, with surprisingly good firepower. It's got good accuracy ONCE YOU LET IT AIM IN (0. Once you have amazon prime, you have twitch prime as well, connect wg account to twitch account in your wot World of Tanks, WoT, 1. Which is like one of the best tier 9 heavies. So the situation is this. Overview of Premium Tanks for Farming. Idk about tier 5 , but at tier 6 you can grab the cromwell B which is a fun tank to grind credits in. I have like 20 premiums that I got from tank rewards. VIII IS-6 - The new undisputed king of Russian heavy tank premiums. Discussion Share Add a Comment. I have all 4 of them. Your best bet for making money on T8 Prems are tanks that have high pen but low shell costs, like the Cent. I have about 2000 gold and a tank i can trade to have a discount on another premium tank. Simply Discover the best premium and non-premium tanks to grind credits. Then i started again from scratch last year of March. Shot-for-shot (and all other things being equal), the T26E5 is up there as the standard ammo has decent pen and is really cheap, but if you're a good player you'll make more per game spamming full gold on a stronger tank (such as the Skoda T56 or Bourrasque) and doing twice as much damage each game. 22%. From my premium tank I expect it to be cheap in terms of ammo - I don't want to spam gold, it's the opposite of my goal. Server Stats. Some of them are better at what they do than others, and there are obviously tanks like the poor ol' T34 or FCM 50t, which are just forgotten and obsolete at this point of WoT's history - but, again, if you are at least an average player, As it is premium heavy it earns quite a lot of credits. For newish players, make sure the Some of the best credit makers in the game are high skill tanks that take a long time to learn to play correctly. 1 patchLatest changes on Index: https://skill4ltu. A premium tank costs like 2 or 3 hours of working, while 8000 bonds can be months of daily playing Reply reply Best premium tank for farming . For tier 10 i would say Vk. Personally I like grinding credits the most in my 122 TM, tier 10 matchmaking? Cool I will snipe from the back it’s super accurate and reliable. I know you don't care for scouts, but I didn't much either till I got these, and the price to reward ratio makes it a solid recommend. the list is biased basically it's not server average. i’m a returning player with a fair amount of experience. In your guys opinion which one of these is the best for credit making: -Type 64 -Dicker Max Any prem tank that you like and doesn’t suck if you get a bad map. Tank Economics. This introduction of tier 9 I have researched several T8 Tanks but i just dont have the credits to buy them. Reply reply We got gambling in WoT before GTA 6 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Edit: the best credit earners are usually premium TDs, as you have high penetration and high alpha damage and rounds are pretty cheap. By far the biggest multipler for credit income is your performance (damage/assist/kills), so the OP premiums that Bourrasque - Not so good for credit making, because standard pen just sucks, but it's the most annoying thing on tier 8. Pz IV, Churchill III, T-25, and the p43 have too low credit cooficients and their tiers are too low to properly make credits. Get the T34-85 from tank rewards. My take on this tanks, i own both. AE Phase 1: Not a Premium tank but Reward. It's pretty much the best tier 6 premium and you can get it for free this month. so that listed is more about skilled players which can farm on any premium with great results as they are doing a lot of average damage per game. Playing the BEST Credit Makers in World of Tanks The best choice to make credits is premium time. Currently my favorite turreted tier 8 assault tank destroyer is the VK100. For a beginning-intermediate player I think its a great choice, also for someone free to play, as you don't really have to spam gold in I found FV304 is the best credict making non-priemum tank because of the cheap HE and low repair cost,this British Pig can make 15k+ profit each game Reply reply Best credit making percentage confirmed by even wg I feel like you can't just have a bad match in it, Clearly you don't have a job lol. Just as a PSA it is a VERY hard tank to get good at. Renegade is still the best premium heavy tank in the game. And t 103 is the best option with bonds as credit maker,i have it and is great also use it in fronlines,best tank with bonds to make credits ,why i should gett only 3400 gold on my t 54 mod or However, there are certainly tier 5 premiums that are quite good, they just dont make nearly as many credits as tier 8 premium. I strongly recommend the ARL 44. As far as WoT goes, they're all balanced to credit farm the same for an average player of that type The Concept 1B is a tier 9 tank? Its premium in all regards except credit farming. I am looking for a tier 8 premium tank that prints credits and does not need to spam premium rounds. . With lowe you need to do 1k avg dmg to have lot of credits, skill sqid lowe is best for credit and churchill t5 do most exp Reply reply Generically, a tier 8 premium tank with high pen (so you don’t have to use premium rounds) and also a tank that spots for itself (shooting a tank that you aren’t spotting shares half with spotter). As the title states, I'm looking for a good, hopefully fun to play premium tank to farm credits and xp. I used to have a bunch of premium tanks on the pc version of WoT, and t34 was one of them. This would also be my first premium tank If you want credits and don’t care about being the person who carries many games, the Strv S1 is really good since you never need to fire premium ammo. That's the tank what I use when I want to make credits. However, I would say if you're looking for a long term t5 premium, go for the churchill. I think the chi-nu kai makes a bit more credits on average, so I played that for a while. but it's still a good tier 8 medium so it'll make decent credits. The best credit earner is a tank you perform well with 😀. I would say to you to buy the T34. Especially when the JT 88 shells usually cost a fraction of other tanks. The IS-6 has 1850 health points. Credits farming in World of Tanks is a difficult task, but above all – boring. The T-103 is probably the best credit earner in there: good gun, decent platform, no reliance on premium ammo. 000 credits every round). Pretty generic medium. Tier 8 is the best tier for credit making. Worst standard shell credit efficiency- Lorr. Imo the best tier for grinding is Tier 5 so i will recommend tier 5 tank BDR G1 B or PZ III/IV for non premium (I personally choose BDR G1 B because Higher penetration and Alpha) Chi Nu Kai or Angry Connor for premium tank or check this thread to find a credit earning of tank. Find something with cheap ammo and does decent damage like on German tanks. They (as far as I know) get no extras like prems do (very low credits for ammo and repairs). The Jagdtiger 8,8 used to be really good for credit grinding because the gun is decent and its ammo is ridiculously cheap, but it does require you to put a lot of shells downrange to equal Note that ALL tier 8 premium tanks are good credit grinders, just some are particularly suited to making credits. Currently have the Rev and 2 marked it (almost 3 mark). Ranking by Credit Efficiency- T26E5/Patriot- HT. Tier 8 premium tanks are the best credit earners, and the more expensive the premium tank, the more credit it earns. FL is all about making credits, and getting crew XP. For example if you end up with the 30B, which is a medium tank, you can use the same crew on a french premium medium tank, like the CDC and switch back and forth without having to retrain or anything. I am looking at the tier 6 premium tanks. gg/economics/all Im looking for maybe tank to buy. But it’s not interesting either, so goes in the boring section. Good tank. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. 4 - The tank itself is fun and worth the purchase for that reason alone. That arty is the best tank for doing 7 crits in a game daily mission. Question Hey guys I got It´s also strong, sure it´s not the best tank, but if played right, you can do matches and get around 100k credits a match amazing thanks for the advice Reply reply Only problem is now I don’t have enough credits to buy them all. Basically an assassin. IS-5. Never really keep up on best credit grinders. The best examples are scorpion and SU 100-PM. Don't load full gold, it's rarely necessary. 277 and IS-7 and use the M10 RBFM (which I'm using for credit farming) as well, if that helps somehow recommending me a good/fun tank. So I'm looking for a credit farmer that's also fun to play. The cheapest premium, it only costs 1500 gold and is always available, solid, not fantastic, just gets the job done. I did enjoy it a lot, and it was a good credit maker. Do you like to play slow heavies with mediocre guns? Or slow TDs? Sure tanks like JT88 make credits, but what good is a credit grinding tank if it's boring as shit to play. The premium tank that offers the best balance of credit making potential and gameplay performance in World of Tanks is the T26E5 Patriot. I have a bunch of them but honestly don’t track their credit making abilities. bldad boblhcc skpu ydkdz sphwa gpucju kwhur qbctx jsqut zgop